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25th International Workshop on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning

University of Wrocław Institute of Experimenatal Physics
Tomasz Greczyło

25th MPTL Wrocław MPTL

8 - 10 September 2022


The International Workshop on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning provides an annual forum to exchange information and ideas about the use of multimedia in physics teaching and learning.

Hosted by University of Wrocław, Institute of Experimental PhysicsUWr


Main topic of the workshop

Physics Teaching and Learning with Mobile Technologies


Scientific Committee

  • Wolfgang Christian, Davidson College, USA
  • Ton Ellermeijer, CMA Science, the Netherlands
  • Raimund Girwidz, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
  • Tomasz Greczyło, University of Wrocław, Poland
  • Bruce Mason, University of Oklahoma, USA
  • Marisa Michelini, University of Udine, Italy
  • Lars-Jochen Thoms, Chair of Science Education, University of Konstanz, Germany and Thurgau University of Education, Switzerland

Local organizing committee

  • Tomasz Greczyło - chairman
  • Robert Bryl
  • Ewa Dębowska
  • Mirela Kaczmarek
    • 12:00 12:30
      Ceremonies: Open ceremony
    • 12:30 14:00
      Keynotes: Digital Competences and Physics Education – Perspectives for Classroom Practice and Teacher Education
      Convener: Andréas Mueller
    • 14:00 14:45
      Breaks: Lunch
    • 14:45 16:15
      Workshops: Workshops A
      Conveners: Petr Kácovský (Charles University), Tommaso Rosi
      • 14:45
        Thermal Imaging Camera in Physics Hands-On Experiments 1h 30m

        The workshop consists of more than twenty simple hands-on physics experiments that use a thermal imaging camera as a visualization tool. These experiments are grouped thematically into six experimental sets, namely: thermal conductivity, conversion of kinetic energy into internal energy, evaporation of liquids, light sources, heating by radiation and Joule heating. All the experiments are designed primarily for upper secondary students, but they are also usable with younger ones. The participants will be provided with a thermal imaging cameras and in groups of up to three will gradually explore a particular experimental set.

        Speaker: Petr Kácovský (Charles University)
      • 14:45
        Using low-cost and standalone Virtual and Augmented Reality headsets to teach and learn motion concepts 1h 30m

        Low-cost, standalone Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) headsets are today available to teachers and researchers, creating new opportunities for educators similarly to what happened with smartphones and the BYOD methodology. In fact, these VR/AR setups are based on high-precision, 6 degrees-of-freedom, high-speed, multiple-object tracking technologies, whose data is available to developers to build their (educational) experiences. During this workshop we will present the software to teach and learn motion concepts we developed; participants will be able to use standalone headsets for hands-on activities and to debate the potential and limitations of this technology in its use in Physics Education.

        Speaker: Dr Tommaso Rosi (University of Trento)
    • 16:15 16:45
      Breaks: Coffee break
    • 16:45 17:45
      Poster session
      Conveners: Dr Alexandru Maries (University of Cincinnati), Priya Jamkhedkar (Portland State University)
      • 16:45
        Improving student problem solving with interactive online tutorials 1h

        We have developed a set of 30 Interactive Video-Enhanced Tutorials (IVETs) designed to help students learn effective problem-solving strategies. The IVETs incorporate multimedia learning principles, are adaptive and guide students through an expert-like problem solving strategy while providing different levels of feedback and guidance for different students. They also adapt to students' affect by providing additional guidance to students who indicate they are confused, frustrated, or bored while completing the IVETs. This presentation will showcase the IVETs and present research results from implementing them in large-enrolment physics courses.

        Speaker: Dr Robert Teese (Rochester Institute of Technology)
      • 16:45
        Teaching introductory physics interactively using videos and simulations in a personalized learning platform 1h

        We summarize the creation and early results of introductory physics courses at Portland State University (PSU) with an emphasis on active and interactive features such as videos and simulations to enhance student learning. The course is designed to support student learning with conceptual questions, scaffolded homework, and simulations where students can use activities to explore the concepts. Videos are included to present the content along with text pages for students to choose from per their learning preferences. Videos were also created using experts in different disciplines such as biology and medicine for students to recognize the relevance of physics to those disciplines.

        Speaker: Ralf Widenhorn
      • 16:45
        The Difference between Total and Inexact Differential Using 3D Printing Technology and LEGO© Bricks: Application on the First Law of Thermodynamics 1h

        The poster presents two educational kits created with the help of 3D printing technology. Both kits are used as a part of the course of advanced thermodynamics aimed especially at future high school teachers. The kits deal with multivariable differential, emphasizing the difference between total (exact) and inexact differential, and the First Law of Thermodynamics.

        Speakers: Petr Kácovský (Charles University), Zdeňka Koupilová
    • 09:00 10:30
      Keynotes: Using phyphox for innovative teaching-learning situtations in physics
      Convener: Jens Noritzsch (RWTH Aachen University)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Breaks: Coffee break
    • 11:00 12:00
      Workshops: Workshop B
      Convener: Jens Noritzsch (RWTH Aachen University)
      • 11:00
        Using phyphox for innovative teaching-learning situtations in physics 1h

        The free app phyphox has a set of beneficial features for smart-device-based physics experiments utilising particularly the built-in sensors. Notably, a high level of customisation, diverse options for data analysis, a remote interface, and a versatile interface for network connections like wi-fi or Bluetooth LE offer opportunities for innovative teaching-learning situations.

        In this workshop, participants will explore these features as well as the range of competences desired for teachers –and learners– to enable productive use of everyday smart devices. Examples are provided from the areas of teaching, research, and day-to-day inquiries.

        Speaker: Jens Noritzsch (RWTH Aachen University)
    • 12:00 12:30
      Breaks: Coffee break
    • 12:30 13:30
      Oral presentations: Presentations A
      Conveners: Giacomo Torzo, Lori Shaaban (Portland State University), marina carpineti (Dipartimento di Fisica - Università degli Studi di Milano)
      • 12:30
        Innovative Laboratory with smartphone and smart sensors 20m

        Using sensors connected to a cheap datalogger driven by Apps for Phyphox via Bluetooth, almost any classic on-line experiment may be performed without PC.
        Some examples will be illustrated

        Speaker: Giacomo Torzo
      • 12:50
        Use of a mobile phone and readily available objects for the study of oscillations and internal gravity waves in a stratified fluid 20m

        We propose a variant of the well-known Cartesian Diver experiment, where the diver floats in a fluid stratified in density obtained from the dissolution over time of a quantity of coarse salt placed at the bottom of the container.
        In contrast to the original version of the experiment, the diver can stop in a stable equilibrium position within the fluid, at the height where the surrounding density matches its own. By varying the applied pressure, the diver's density changes and it moves to a different height accordingly. When a sudden pressure pulse is applied, the diver, pushed off its temporary equilibrium position, starts oscillating due to a restoring force. The frequency of oscillation, known as Brunt–Väisälä frequency, depends on the density gradient. Therefore, by changing the pressure on the container, students can span different heights and density gradients and observe their evolution in time with a single non-invasive experiment. Other interesting phenomena occur, such as the propagation of internal gravity waves typical of stratified fluids when a portion of them is displaced transmitting its motion to the surrounding fluid. These phenomena typically occur in the atmosphere and in the stars and are difficult to visualize as they only produce refractive index variations within the fluid. One trick to make them visible is to put in suspension small fragments of a material of appropriate density, which localize in a fluid layer and oscillate when the gravity waves pass. Therefore, with this simple experiment that students can project and realize by themselves with easy-to-find objects and by following all the steps, it is possible to introduce them to complex phenomena of general interest.
        Thanks to the use of a mobile phone and of simple free educational programs, which allow recording the diver oscillations, plotting and fitting the data, students can perform quantitative analysis of the results, and therefore enhance their understanding of the physics issues.

        Speaker: marina carpineti (Dipartimento di Fisica - Università degli Studi di Milano)
      • 13:10
        Using a 3D camera and a local positioning system in physics instruction 20m

        We are exploring the use of two new tools for hands-on physics instruction. Both tools allow us to investigate position-based phenomena more freely than traditional instructional equipment. The Pozyx local positioning system uses ultra-wideband radio frequency for localization. Beyond position measurement, the device provides pressure, acceleration, rotation, and magnetic field data. The Intel RealSense D435i camera allows positioning in 3D using two infrared cameras, an infrared emitter, and a colour camera. We are investigating how the devices can be used to study position and motion-based phenomena in lab and classroom activities that could not be tracked easily with other equipment.

        Speaker: Ralf Widenhorn
    • 13:30 14:30
      Breaks: Lunch
    • 14:30 16:00
      Keynotes: Compute shaders in physics education
      Convener: Maciej Matyka
    • 16:00 16:30
      Breaks: Coffee break
    • 16:30 18:00
      Workshops: Workshop C
      Conveners: Peppino Sapia, Schnider Dorottya
      • 16:30
        Imaging in physics education and in science popularization: an introductive workshop 1h

        In this workshop we will share our experience in implementing advanced imaging techniques in scientific educational and dissemination contexts, by making use of educational grade devices and easily available materials. Participants will be provided with an overview of various educational grade imaging techniques and they will have the opportunity to acquire basic operational skills on image processing regarding some of these techniques.

        Speaker: Peppino Sapia
      • 16:30
        Student Laboratory for Conductivity – A Low-cost, Easy and Fun Project for Students 1h

        Abstract. Classroom experimentation plays a crucial role in physics education. With the use of Arduino-systems, we have the opportunity to create low-cost equipment for the physics lab, and conduct various interesting and practice-oriented measurements with our students, from basic experiments to advanced-level research problems. Testing the conductivity of different fluids can be useful for this purpose. Working in small groups, students can not only investigate the effects of different physical and chemical parameters, but also, they have the opportunity to learn how to process and evaluate data, thus the project develops digital competences, too.

        Speakers: Dorottya Schnider, Mihály Hömöstrei (ELTE, Deutsche Schule Budapest)
    • 19:00 20:00
      Breaks: Workshop's Dinner
    • 10:00 11:30
      Keynotes: How Computers Improve Physics Teaching Through Interactive Engagement
      Convener: Wolfgang Christian
    • 11:30 12:00
      Breaks: Coffee break
    • 12:00 13:00
      Oral presentations: Oral presentations B
      Convener: Masoud Seifikar
      • 12:00
        WebEJS: A fully Web-based version of Easy JavaScript Simulations 20m

        We introduce a new implementation of Easy Javascript Simulations. WebEJS uses a client-server architecture to help create JavaScript simulations on any Internet-enabled device, without any additional software. The client uses Internet standards, so that it runs on computers and tablets, storing files in a user’s cloud account. The WebEJS server provides the power to edit and produce a stand-alone, independent of WebEJS, JavaScript simulation. The server runs as a Docker container, easily installable on standard computers. This client-server combination is a sophisticated, user-friendly use of technologies that results in a platform easy to install and use by teachers and students.

        Speaker: Prof. Francisco Esquembre (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
      • 12:20
        Students’ perspective on the Classroom Response Systems in physics classrooms 20m

        We have used the online feedback app Mentimeter as an example of a Classroom Response System in different teaching environments and have investigated student opinions on the effectiveness of using them in physics teaching environments. We find that, generally, students find Mentimeter useful in creating an active learning environment, generating interest, involvement in teaching, and providing a formative assessment of their understanding. Many students find it difficult to speak up in class and we find it is an effective way for students to participate in classroom discussion without having to overcome this barrier. Many students would welcome more frequent and more general use of applications such as Mentimeter in large classroom settings.

        Speaker: Dr Masoud Seifikar (Department of Physics, Imperial College London, )
    • 13:00 13:30
      Breaks: Coffee break
    • 13:30 14:30
      Oral presentations: Presentations C
      Conveners: Francisco Esquembre (Universidad de Murcia), Joerg Zumbach (University of Salzburg), Marina Babayeva
      • 13:30
        Visualization and Metacognitive Scaffolding in Learning from Animations about the Anomaly of Water 20m

        In a series of experiments, we examined the influence of metacognitive scaffolding and supplantation on students’ learning performance during self-regulated learning with animations about the anomaly of water. In two successive experiments, we compared a static and dynamic visualization format with respect to learning success. We provided metacognitive scaffolding by means of cognitive and metacognitive prompts during the learning sequence. Results suggest that static visualization of system transitions are superior to dynamic visualization of animations in the science classroom. In addition, metacognitive scaffolding might be helpful in complex and long-term learning environments, but not in short time, linear learning sequences.

        Speaker: Joerg Zumbach (University of Salzburg)
      • 13:50
        Implementing virtual instruments to increase knowledge comprehension and engagement rate in distance Physics teaching 20m

        Distance learning is becoming more and more popular nowadays due to increased mobility, widespread distance work, and the recent pandemic situation. Since it is a relatively new trend, teachers must actively adapt the methods and curriculum in order to suit modern needs. Like in any novel industry, there are several challenges to overcome such as a higher rate of destruction, comparatively limited possibilities to present the information, a decrease in discipline, and a lower engagement level. During my practice of distance teaching Physics to secondary school students, I tried to overcome aforecited challenges by incorporating modern technologies in my online lessons.

        Speaker: Marina Babayeva
    • 14:30 15:00
      Ceremonies: Closing ceremony