11–13 May 2022
Podgorica, Montenegro
Europe/Berlin timezone


Opening Session

11 May 2022, 13:30
Podgorica, Montenegro

Podgorica, Montenegro

Cetinjska 7, The Capital Plaza, 81000


Opening Session

  • Pedro Abreu (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas (PT))
  • Steven Goldfarb (University of Melbourne (AU))


Welcome messages and reports from the Coordination Team

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Biljana Šćepanović (Minister of Science and Technological Development of Montenegro), Prof. Predrag Miranović (Dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Montenegro)
11/05/2022, 13:30

Prof. Dr. Biljana Šćepanović, Minister of Science and Technological Development of Montenegro

Prof. Dr. Predrag Miranović, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Montenegro

Pedro Abreu (LIP - Laboratorio de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas (PT)), Steven Goldfarb (University of Melbourne (AU))
11/05/2022, 13:50
Barbora Bruant Gulejova (Universitaet Bern (CH)), Lila Mabiala (CERN)
11/05/2022, 14:10
Fabiola Cacciatore (University Niccolo Cusano (IT))
11/05/2022, 14:25
Kenneth William Cecire (University of Notre Dame (US)), Uta Bilow (Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
11/05/2022, 14:40
Carolin Schwerdt
11/05/2022, 15:00
Building timetable...