Diffraction in e-p and e-ion collisions
Conveners: M. Ruspa, D. Tapia Takaki
Inclusive DIS: total cross sections, structure functions, heavy flavors
Inclusive diffraction and dijets in DIS
Hard diffractive photoproduction
Exclusive final states in diffractive DIS (vector mesons, DVCS, etc.)
Analyticity/duality models of inclusive/diffractive reactions; Pomeron trajectory
Diffraction at the EIC
Forward detectors and Roman pots -
Soft and low-mass diffraction
Conveners: B. Kopeliovich, R. McNulty, K. Osterberg
Soft diffraction at the hadron colliders
Total and inelastic cross section measurements
Odderon physics
Central exclusive production of low mass particles
Glueball production
Forward physics at the LHC
Forward detectors
Phenomenology of gap survival probability
Monte Carlo for soft processes
Heavy ion collisions at RHIC and EIC
Phenomenology of diffraction off nuclei -
Photon-photon physics and hard diffraction
Conveners: J. Murillo, M. Pitt, M. Rangel
Hard diffraction at the hadron colliders
Gamma-p and gamma-gamma collisions at hadron colliders
Beyond standard model and photon exchange processes
Monte Carlo for hard processes
Ultraperipheral collisions -
Spin physics
Conveners: B. Badelek, U. D'Alesio
New results on spin physics
Spin and polarization physics
Prospects in spin physics
Generalized parton distributions
Transverse momentum dependent PDFs -
Recent theoretical results on QCD and saturation
Conveners: F.G. Celiberto, M. Hentschinski, C. Marquet, A. Sabio Vera
Perturbative QCD and factorization issues
Leading-twist diffraction and the breakdown of pQCD factorization theorems
Leading-twist diffractive DIS and nuclear shadowing
Non-universal antishadowing
Progress in AdS/QCD, integrability and related topics
Diffractive dijet, hadrons light-front wavefunction from AdS/QCD, and color transparency
New results in the BFKL physics
New results in the color dipole/kt-factorization approach
New results within the Color Glass Condensate model
Saturation and evolution
Diffraction from non-perturbative QCD -
Low x, PDFs and hadronic final states
Conveners: C. Baldenegro, M. Bonvini, A. Cooper-Sarkar, P. Nadolsky
PDFs at low and high x
Jet cross sections
Fat jets
Vector meson, pion, etc. productions -
Joint track: Recent theoretical results on QCD and saturation + low x, PDFs and hadronic final state
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