November 28, 2022 to December 2, 2022
IJCLab Orsay
Europe/Paris timezone

Dijet azimuthal correlations in p-p and p-Pb collisions at forward LHC calorimeters

Nov 30, 2022, 4:40 PM
Salle des Conseils (Building 100)

Salle des Conseils

Building 100

IJCLab Orsay
WG5: Jet Physics Parallel C - WG5: 2


Krzysztof Marek Kutak (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))


We present a state-of-the art computation for forward dijets in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at the LHC, using the kinematics of FCal ATLAS calorimeter and the planned FoCal extension of ALICE. We use the small-$x$ improved TMD (ITMD) formalism, together with collinearly improved TMD gluon distributions, full $b$-space Sudakov resummation
and discuss nonperturbative corrections due to hadronization and showers using the \Pythia\ Monte Carlo. We observe that forward dijets in proton-nucleus collisions at moderately low $p_T$ are excellent probes of saturation effects, as the Sudakov resummation does not alter the suppression of the cross section.

Declaration I certify that I have checked that I am authorised to submit the abstract with the listed co-authors with their current affiliations
Change of Speaker I understand that change of speaker is allowed provided that no participant gives more than one talk. Otherwise, we will ask the speaker to choose between one or the other abstract to be presented.

Primary author

Krzysztof Marek Kutak (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))

Presentation materials