3–7 Jul 2023
Faculty of Science, UPJS, Košice, Slovakia
Europe/Bratislava timezone

What we know and can know from the TIMSS Advanced physics testing of the final-year students of secondary school in the Czech Republic

3 Jul 2023, 15:00
Room 4 (Platón)

Room 4


Oral presentation Physics teacher education and professional learning communities Innovative curricula


Ms Petra Pschotnerová (Charles University)


The central topic of the paper is the specialized physics test in which the Czech Republic participated in TIMSS Advanced 1995. We briefly recall the methodology of the TIMSS study and the test results of Czech students in the final-year of upper-secondary school. We present the repetition of the TIMSS Advanced physics test in the Czech Republic in 2023. We discuss future outputs of the currently running testing, its limits, and possible benefits.

How would you like to present your contribution? Live in Košice (time slot to be allotted based on the programme)
Target education level (primary) Upper-secondary education

Primary author

Ms Petra Pschotnerová (Charles University)


Dr Dana Mandíková (Charles University)

Presentation materials