3–7 Jul 2023
Faculty of Science, UPJS, Košice, Slovakia
Europe/Bratislava timezone

ARPHYMEDS Erasmus Project Educational Tool for Increasing Attractivity of Learning Physics Using Augmented Reality and 3D Models

4 Jul 2023, 13:40
1h 30m
Workshop 2 (Socrates)

Workshop 2


Workshop Innovative strategies and pathways to improve physics education at school Workshop Innovative strategies at school


Ms Gabriela PavlendovaMs Alžbeta Marček Chorvatová


ARPHYMEDES Erasmus Project Educational Tool
for Increasing Attractivity of Learning Physics Using Augmented Reality and 3D Models

As long as physics has been taught at elementary and secondary schools, it has been one of the least preferred subjects of students. In general students have perception that physics involves complex concepts, the resulting insights of which they do not understand, and this makes solving problems for them a challenge. This sets the students on a path of failure, keeping them away from this subject. To avoid this path, we can make physics more accessible also with the use of IT technology.

How would you like to present your contribution? Live in Košice (time slot to be allotted based on the programme)
Target education level (primary) Lower-secondary education
Target education level (secondary, optional) Higher-secondary education


Presentation materials