Sep 24 – 28, 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone
Registration is open


REGISTRATION FORM: Please read this information and then scroll down to register

Opened Oct 7, 2022
Closed May 23, 2023
Registration fee
Contact info

Registration opening day: 20 November 2022

Registration deadline: 20 August 2023

Max No. of registrants: 300

If you are registered at CERN, fillout the registration form below

If you are not registered at CERN, you will need a CERN External Email Account before accessing the Registration Form. This can be done using the following link:

Then click on the right hand side on "External email - Guest access"

Then click on "new users? Register"

Fill in the required information and then click on "register"

Then there is one more step, you have to login once in indico at the following link:

NOTE that this is a request for a password and NOT the registration for the conference (you still have to fill out the registration form below below)

Following this first step you will immediately receive an Email (from the CERN Indico System) with a password to be used when signing in to the Registration Form below. Please remember this password and use it when filling in the registration form paying attention to the following:
– When the registration has been submitted, a confirmation Email containing a conference identification number will be returned. This identification number has to be used when making the payment of the conference fees.
– The registration will be validated as soon as the bank transfer of the registration fees has been received by the bank.
– The conference secretary will confirm the payment by email. (Bank transfer details are given below)
Fees: The early bird registration fee dead-line is possible until Sunday 20th of August 2023, after this date, the fee will increase from 600 CHF to 800 CHF.
– If your are accompanied for the banquet, please add 250 CHF to the conference fees when making your payment Bank Transfer details:

Bank name: BCGE Address: Case Postale 2251, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland

Owner/Holder: International Thorium Energy

IBAN : CH35 0078 8000 0503 6647 4


Clearing number: 788

No credit card payments

Conference check-in: It is strongly suggested that participants collect the check-in material on the occasion of the cocktail party, downtown Geneva, in Hotel President Wilson on Sunday September 24, 2023, from 17:00 to 20:00. Given the large attendance expected for ITHEC23, it will be impossible for a large number of people to get their check-in material at CERN on the morning of Monday September 25, 2023 before the start of the conference, at 8:30. This material will include, a pass which will be mandatory in order to be allowed on CERN premises, and access CERN sites in general.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.