8:30 AM
Collaboration Board report
Nadia Pastrone
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
Steinar Stapnes
8:50 AM
Reports of the working groups: Physics
Andrea Wulzer
9:10 AM
Reports of the working groups: Detector
Massimo Casarsa
(INFN, Trieste (IT))
9:30 AM
Reports of the working groups: Protons and cooling
Chris Rogers
Natalia Milas
(European Spallation Source)
9:50 AM
Reports of the working groups: Acceleration and collider
Antoine Chance
(CEA Irfu)
Christian Carli
10:30 AM
Reports of the working groups: Magnets
Lionel Quettier
Luca Bottura
10:50 AM
Reports of the working groups: RF
Alexej Grudiev
11:10 AM
Reports of the working groups: Losses
Daniele Calzolari
Anton Lechner
11:30 AM
Reports of the working group: RP
Claudia Ahdida
11:50 AM
Demonstrator and Test Facilities
Chris Rogers
12:10 PM
Daniel Schulte