Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

28 August 2011 to 1 September 2011
SFU Wosk Centre for Dialogue
Canada/Pacific timezone


Astro Particle Physics II / Final Session

1 Sept 2011, 11:00
Asia Pacific Hall (SFU Wosk Centre for Dialogue)

Asia Pacific Hall

SFU Wosk Centre for Dialogue

Morris J Wosk Center for Dialogue Simon Fraser University 580 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6B 1L6, British Columbia CANADA

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Javier Rico (IFAE)
01/09/2011, 11:00
Miguel Mostafa (Colorado State University)
01/09/2011, 11:45
Prof. Francis Halzen (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
01/09/2011, 12:15
Dusan Bruncko (Department of Subnuclear Physics-Institute of Experimental Phys)
01/09/2011, 13:00
Building timetable...