Keith Chadwick
02/05/2011, 10:15
Site Reports
The Fermilab site report for the Spring 2011 HEPiX
Manfred Alef
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
02/05/2011, 10:35
Site Reports
Current status and latest news at GridKa, e.g.:
- Hardware status
- Batch system issues
- CPU performance
Wolfgang Friebel
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)-Unknown-Unknown)
02/05/2011, 11:55
Site Reports
Computing at DESY news
Randy Melen
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
02/05/2011, 12:35
Site Reports
Update on activities at SLAC
Owen Synge
02/05/2011, 14:00
Security & Networking
In grid computing we use an X509 PKI security infrastructure. This infrastructure is used to enable secure connections between hosts to deliver payload. This often leads to scalability and reliability issues. This talk presents the alternative approach of signing messages for asynchronous handling, allowing authentication of the payload rather than the connection.
The implications of this...
Romain Wartel
02/05/2011, 14:30
Security & Networking
This presentation provides an update of the security landscape since the last meeting.
It describes the main vectors of compromises in the academic community and discusses security risks management in general, as well as the security aspects of the current hot topics in computing, for example identity federation and virtualisation.
Bastian Neuburger
02/05/2011, 15:00
Security & Networking
In this talk the open source host-based intrusion detection system OSSEC is described.
Besides an overview of its features it will also be explained how to use it for non-security related monitoring and notifying. Furthermore several possible real life scenarios will be demonstrated and some of the current drawbacks will be elaborated.
Jerome Belleman
02/05/2011, 16:00
Computing & Batch Services
In order to improve its batch service for local and Grid users, development is ongoing at CERN to design a batch monitoring system and set up a test instance. The goal is to enhance the batch service by investigating new scheduler features, fine-tuning the already used ones and decreasing the time spent in problem identification and fault resolution.
02/05/2011, 16:30
Computing & Batch Services
2 years ago, CC-IN2P3 decided to give up the home made batch system (BQS) for a new product.
This presentation will expose the process we set up to make the selection and will explain our choice.
02/05/2011, 17:00
Computing & Batch Services
As you know, we chose Grid Engine as the next batch system for CC-IN2P3.
This presentation will focus on 2 aspects we have examined during last months :
1/ Scalability and robustness testing
2/ Specific requirements at CC-IN2P3 : problems and solutions
philippe olivero
03/05/2011, 09:15
Site Reports
I'll present a short update of the CC-In2p3 Site-report, specifying the main changes occured since last hepix.
Gang Chen
(Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP))
03/05/2011, 09:30
Site Reports
Report of status of computing system of IHEP
Mattias Wadenstein
03/05/2011, 09:45
Site Reports
Site update from NDGF, recent developments, neat things, etc.
Andrey Shevel
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI))
03/05/2011, 10:00
Site Reports
It is planned to describe the updated status for the computing infrastructure of High Energy Physics Division (HEPD): LAN (400 hosts), mail service for the Institute, other centralized servers, computing cluster. A number of updated topics is observed: security and SPAM, cluster virtualization, WiFi, video conferences.
Tina Friedrich
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)
03/05/2011, 10:15
Site Reports
Overview of computing systems at Diamond, including current status and planned future developments.
Ofer Rind
03/05/2011, 10:30
A report on the current status of the RHIC/ATLAS Computing Facility at BNL with an emphasis on developments and updates since the last Fall Hepix meeting.
Derek Feichtinger
03/05/2011, 11:30
Site Reports
Site report for the Paul Scherrer Institut.
Juraj Sucik
03/05/2011, 11:45
IT Infrastructure and Services
Drupal is an open source content management platform used worldwide. CERN has chosen to use Drupal for building multilingual, content managed web sites and applications. The infrastructure is based on cluster of Apache web servers, MySQL database servers and storage servers. The setup uses SLC6 operating system as a platform. The high availability configuration is achieved with Red Hat Cluster...
Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez
03/05/2011, 12:15
IT Infrastructure and Services
Indico (Integrated Digital Conference: http://indico.cern.ch) is a web-based, multi-platform conference lifecycle management system and agenda. It has also become the long term archiving tool for documents and metadata related to all kinds of events that take place at CERN. The software is used in production at CERN (hosting >114.000 events, > 580.000 presentations, > 770.000 files and around...
Jerome Caffaro
03/05/2011, 12:45
IT Infrastructure and Services
Invenio <http://invenio-software.org/> is a software suite enabling to run a digital library or document repository on the web. The technology offered by the software covers all aspects of digital library management from document ingestion through classification, indexing, and curation to dissemination. Invenio has been originally developed at CERN to run the CERN document server (CDS),...
Jie Tao
03/05/2011, 14:15
Computing & Batch Services
Virtualization technology has been applied to a variety of areas including server consolidation, High Performance Computing, as well as Grid and Cloud computing. Due to the fact that applications do not run directly on the hardware of a host machine, virtualization generally causes a performance loss for both sequential and parallel applications.
This talk studies the OpenMP applications...
Giulio Eulisse
03/05/2011, 14:45
Computing & Batch Services
CMS has ported its complete software stack to run natively on 64 bit linux and it's using it for all its computing workflows, from data acquisition to final analysis. In this talk we'll present our experience with such a transition, both in terms of deployment issues and actual performance gains. Moreover, we'll give an insight of what we consider our present and future challenges, focusing in...
Manfred Alef
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
03/05/2011, 15:15
Computing & Batch Services
The compute power of batch nodes is measured in units of HEP-SPEC06 which is based on the industry standard SPEC CPU2006 benchmark suite.
In this talk I will compare the HEP-SPEC06 scores of multi-core worker nodes with accounting data taken from the batch system.
Volker Lindenstruth
03/05/2011, 16:15
IT Infrastructure and Services
FAIR computing presents computing requirements for the first level processing of the experiment data exceeding those at CERN. All computing resources, including the first level event selectors will be hosted in one data center, which is currently being planned. It sets new standards with respect to energy density, implementing more than 100 kW/sqm and energy efficiency by requiring less than...
Yaodong CHENG
(Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
04/05/2011, 09:15
Storage & Filesystems
GlusterFS is an open source, clustered file system capable of scaling to several petabytes and handling thousands of clients. At IHEP, we setup a testbed to evaluate the file system, including functionality, performance and current status. The advantages and disadvantages for HEP data processing are also disscussed.
Dorin Daniel Lobontu
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
04/05/2011, 09:45
The talk will show the benefits of grouping a number of heterogeneous tape libraries into one virtual container of
tape media and drives. The backup and archive applications send their data to this huge container which has all
necessary mechanisms to control and access the tape resources(cartridges, drives, physical libraries).The
implementation is based on an ibm software "Enterprise...
Eric Cano
04/05/2011, 10:05
Storage & Filesystems
We will present the performance achieved during data taking for the 2010 LHC run, including heavy ion run. The operational benefits reaped from the deployed improvement as well as the roadmap for further developments to consolidate the system and lower its deployment cost will be introduced. Our performance assessment for the new generation of Oracle tape drives – T10000C – will also be shown.
Thomas Roth
04/05/2011, 11:45
Storage & Filesystems
Lustre has been employed with great success as the general purpose distributed file system for all experimental and theory groups at GSI.
Currently there are 100 mio files stored on Lustre, and between batch nodes, interactive nodes and desktops there are ca. 500 clients with access to Lustre.
Past issues with stability have been overcome by running the Lustre 1.8 version. Hardware upgrades...
Jiri Horky
(Institute of Physics of Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (ASCR))
04/05/2011, 12:15
Storage & Filesystems
Reliable benchmarking of file systems is a complex and time consuming task when one has to test against a production environment to achieve relevant results.
In case of the HEP community, this eventually leads to setting up a particular experiments' software environment, which could be a rather complicated task for a system administrator.
To simplify this task, we developed an application ...
David Kelsey
04/05/2011, 12:45
Security & Networking
A new working group on IPv6 in HEP was dsicussed and agreed at the previous HEPiX meeting. This new working group has recently been created and work is just starting. This talk will present the status and plans of the working group for the year ahead.
Pascal Trouve
04/05/2011, 14:15
IT Infrastructure and Services
The presentation will give an overview of the new commissioned infrastructure and computing room at CC-IN2P3.
The presentation will give an update of technical infrastructure project and improvement. It will focus on major achievement and will spotlight and describe the future capacity offered up to 2019
Topics to be reviewed: Building, Cooling system, Power distribution and Confined Racks,...
Wayne Salter
04/05/2011, 14:45
IT Infrastructure and Services
CERN is currently evolving its computing facilities through a number of projects. This presentation will give an overview of the various projects and their current status.
Zhechka Toteva
04/05/2011, 15:15
IT Infrastructure and Services
The choice of Service-Now as a tool for handling the request fulfillment and incident management ITIL processes in the IT and the General Services Departments at CERN has created several months of intensive development. Besides the implementation of these two standardized ITIL process it has been a very interesting task to model CERN Service catalogue in the tool. The integration with third...
Troy Dawson
04/05/2011, 16:15
IT Infrastructure and Services
Progress of Scientific Linux over the past 6 months. What we are currently working on. What we see in the future for Scientific Linux.
Owen Synge
05/05/2011, 09:15
Grid, cloud and virtualization
A Grid service allows applications to the run on many sites without modification. Virtualization provides the potential for deploying the same customized operating system at many sites.
This talk will present one of many possible security infrastructures and models to allow sharing and deployment of virtual machines images that meets the objectives of secure non-repudiation of images,...
Ulrich Schwickerath
05/05/2011, 09:45
Grid, cloud and virtualization
Virtualization at CERN: a status report
We present updates to the virtualization services provided by CERN IT.
- CERNs internal cloud has been moved into full production mode in
December 2010, and has been running since then providing virtualized
batch resources. We will report on operational experiences, as well
as further developments made since the last meeting in...
Cal Loomis
05/05/2011, 10:15
Grid, cloud and virtualization
StratusLab (http://stratuslab.eu/) provides a complete, open-source solution for deploying an "Infrastructure as a Service" cloud infrastructure. Use of the cloud requires the use of prepared machine and disk images, yet preparing correct, secure images remains difficult and represents a significant barrier to the adoption of cloud technologies.
The StratusLab Marketplace is an image...
Ian Gable
(University of Victoria)
05/05/2011, 11:15
Grid, cloud and virtualization
In the last year we have established a system which replicates a standard Condor HTC environment across multiple distinct IaaS clouds of different types including EC2, Nimbus and Eucalyptus. Users simply submit batch jobs to a Condor queue containing a custom attribute which is a pointer to the Virtual Machine Image they would like booted to service their job. The system automatically boots...
Keith Chadwick
05/05/2011, 11:45
Grid, cloud and virtualization
The Fermilab Campus Grid (FermiGrid) is a meta-facility that provides grid infrastructure for scientific computing at Fermilab. It provides highly available centralized authorization and authentication services, a site portal for Globus job submission, coordination for interoperability among the various stakeholders, and grid-enabled mass storage interfaces. We currently support approximately...
Mykhaylo Zynovyev
05/05/2011, 12:15
Grid, cloud and virtualization
GSI is a German national laboratory for heavy-ion beams, planning to build the new accelerator complex "Facility for
Antiproton and Ion Research" (FAIR). In preparation for the Tier-0 computing center for FAIR different Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS) cloud technologies have been compared, to construct a private cloud. Simultaneously, effort has been taken
to learn how to efficiently...
Lenz Grimmer
05/05/2011, 14:00
In this presentation, Lenz will provide an overview about Oracle Linux, Oracle's Enterprise Linux distribution and the Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK). The session will cover the technical highlights and improvements as well as the support offerings that complement it.
Gilles Gravier
05/05/2011, 14:40
In this presentation, Oracle will go over its major open source products, and their future directions.
Walter Schon
05/05/2011, 16:30
Storage & Filesystems
The European Open File Systems society is a non profit organisation to coordinate the future development of lustre. Founding members of the organisation are Universities, Supercomputing Centers and partners from industry. The next release of a lustre version is scheduled for summer 2011.
Alvaro Gonzalez Alvarez
06/05/2011, 09:15
IT Infrastructure and Services
CERN offers three Version Control Services, one using SVN and two older services using CVS. The older CVS service is to be closed by 2Q 2011 and will be merged into the high availability CVS service on AFS where the performance has been improved to suite the needs of all users. The main SVN service has expanded a great deal, in users, commits and repositories, since it started in 2009. Our...
Ian Peter Collier
(STFC RAL Tier1)
06/05/2011, 09:45
IT Infrastructure and Services
CernVM-FS is now a production service supported at CERN distributing VO software to sites/worker nodes. This talk will describe the production service as well as give details on the deployment and management required to use CVMFS at sites.
Steve Thorn
(University of Edinburgh)
06/05/2011, 10:45
Grid, cloud and virtualization
The UK's National Grid Service is investigating how it can best make use of cloud technologies in the future. The focus is on users, not only those who want to perform computationally intensive research, but also others in the wider academic setting. The usefulness of Infrastructure as a Service clouds to this community is crucial in determining future cloud provision in this area. To examine...
Tony Cass
06/05/2011, 11:15
Grid, cloud and virtualization
This presentation will give an update of the activities of the HEPiX Virtualisation Working Group over the past few months, describe the current status and give an outlook on future progress.