FCC Software Hands-on Tutorial

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (CERN)

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium


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Clement Helsens (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)), Gerardo Ganis (CERN), Valentin Volkl (CERN), Juraj Smiesko (CERN)

The purpose of this event is to introduce the participants to the FCC Software through an hands on tutorial.

The structure of the events will be:

   - Day 1, afternoon: technical overview and snapshots of hands-on exercises

   - Day 2, all day: hands-on with exercises

   - Day 3, morning: hands-on with exercises

   - Day 3, afternoon (on request) interaction with Software and Computing core team on specific topics to be defined prior to the event

The hands-on will focus on how to use the existing software to perform the most common analysis workflows and some development workflows. A survey will be created to select a set of hands-on development topics which better fit the needs and desires of the participants.

For the hands-on tutorial a CERN computing account is required. Please contact the organisers at fcc-software-workshop@cern.ch if help is needed with respect to this.

A mattermost channel is available to ask questions: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/fccsw/channels/fcc-software-workshop (Invite link to fccsw: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/signup_user_complete/?id=ea9j3u7pb3refrx4y57d8qhw9y )

We plan to have a workshop dinner either on Wednesday or on Thursday evening in a nearby restaurant; for interested participants, a survey will be soon prepared to decide the date.

Updated information will be added to this Indico site as relevant.


For slides sharing from the room we can use zoom

Zoom Meeting ID
Clement Helsens
Useful links
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Zoom URL
    • General introduction

      Set of talks about the system in general and the individual components

      Convener: Gerardo Ganis (CERN)
      • 1
        Welcome and introduction

        Generic information about the hands on tutorial (scope, logistcs, ...)

        Speakers: Clement Helsens (CERN), Gerardo Ganis (CERN)
      • 2
        Overview of the FCC software

        Overview of the main components

        Speakers: Clement Helsens (CERN), Gerardo Ganis (CERN)
      • 3
        Overview of tutorial #1: Generating events

        Explain what it will be about, the underlying technology, what will be learned, the objectives, the expected results etc… a baseline for the real tutorial

      • 4
        Overview of tutorial #2: Vertexing in FCC Analysis

        Explain what it will be about, the underlying technology, what will be learned, the objectives, the expected results etc… a baseline for the real tutorial

      • 5
        Overview of tutorial #3: Visualisation

        Explain what it will be about, the underlying technology, what will be learned, the objectives, the expected results etc… a baseline for the real tutorial

      • 6
        Overview of tutorial #4: Changing geometry in DD4hep

        Explain what it will be about, the underlying technology, what will be learned, the objectives, the expected results etc… a baseline for the real tutorial

        Speaker: Andre Sailer (CERN)
      • 7
        Overview of tutorial #5: Simulation of the LAr calorimeter

        Explain what it will be about, the underlying technology, what will be learned, the objectives, the expected results etc… a baseline for the real tutorial

      • 8
        Overview of tutorial #6: run fccanalysis and weaver inference for gamma/pi0 separation

        Explain what it will be about, the underlying technology, what will be learned, the objectives, the expected results etc… a baseline for the real tutorial

    • Break (coffee ...)
    • Hands-on tutorial: Basics
      • 9
        Reviewing the basics

        Make sure everybody can connect to lxplus, setup the SW and run a test job (https://hep-fcc.github.io/fcc-tutorials/software-basics/exploring-fcc-files.html)
        Start a simple tutorial all together

        Speaker: All
    • Hands-on tutorial: Session 5
      • 18
        Tutorial 5: Simulation of the LAr calorimeter - Introduction
        Speaker: Brieuc Francois (CERN)
      • 19
        Tutorial 5: Simulation of the LAr calorimeter - Hands-on
    • Break (coffee ...)
    • Hands-on tutorial: Session 6
      • 20
        Tutorial 6: Weaver inference for gamma/pi0 separation - Introduction
        Speakers: Brieuc Francois (CERN), Clement Helsens (CERN)
      • 21
        Tutorial 6: Weaver inference for gamma/pi0 separation - Hands-on
    • Q&A: and final remarks