FCC Software Hands-on Tutorial
The purpose of this event is to introduce the participants to the FCC Software through an hands on tutorial.
The structure of the events will be:
- Day 1, afternoon: technical overview and snapshots of hands-on exercises
- Day 2, all day: hands-on with exercises
- Day 3, morning: hands-on with exercises
- Day 3, afternoon (on request) interaction with Software and Computing core team on specific topics to be defined prior to the event
The hands-on will focus on how to use the existing software to perform the most common analysis workflows and some development workflows. A survey will be created to select a set of hands-on development topics which better fit the needs and desires of the participants.
For the hands-on tutorial a CERN computing account is required. Please contact the organisers at fcc-software-workshop@cern.ch if help is needed with respect to this.
A mattermost channel is available to ask questions: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/fccsw/channels/fcc-software-workshop (Invite link to fccsw: https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/signup_user_complete/?id=ea9j3u7pb3refrx4y57d8qhw9y )
We plan to have a workshop dinner either on Wednesday or on Thursday evening in a nearby restaurant; for interested participants, a survey will be soon prepared to decide the date.
Updated information will be added to this Indico site as relevant.
For slides sharing from the room we can use zoom