10–11 Nov 2022
Lancaster University, UK
Europe/London timezone

The New Rucio WebUI (Remote)

10 Nov 2022, 14:15
Private Dining Room, County South Building (Lancaster University, UK)

Private Dining Room, County South Building

Lancaster University, UK


Mayank Sharma (University of Texas at Arlington (US))


The good old Rucio WebUI has served our community well over the last several years. However, it lacks the architecture, frameworks, and technologies to sustain it over the next decade. That's where the efforts to revamp the old WebUI step in. This talk discusses the plan, progress, and what the users can expect from the new Rucio WebUI.


Mayank Sharma (University of Texas at Arlington (US))


Mr Nimish Bongale Valentina Dzjumane (Riga Technical University (LV))

Presentation materials