Community Talks
- Michael Kirby (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Community Talks: Coommunity
- Eric Vaandering (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Talks from experiments and organizations that are actively using Rucio
The [Vera C. Rubin observatory][1] is preparing the execution of the most ambitious astronomical survey ever attempted, the Legacy Survey of Space and Time. Due to start operations late 2024 for 10 years, it will nightly scan the southern sky and collect images of the entire visible sky every 4 nights. Detection of celestial objects will be performed on those images to progressively build an...
In this talk we are going to describe the operational and conceptual design of the bulk archive management system involved in prototyping activities of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) Bulk Archive. This particular archive in the CTA Observatory will take care of storage and management of the lower data level products coming from the Cherenkov telescopes, incuding their...
The Science Data Centre (SDC) is a new strategic infrastructure at the Leibniz-Institut für Sonnenphysik (KIS) in Freiburg, Germany, for archiving and disseminating raw and calibrated ground-based high-resolution multiwavelength spectropolarimetric and imaging data obtained primarily at the German Solar Telescopes in Tenerife, Spain, and soon from other observatories. Additionally, SDC...