Michel Jouvin
(LAL / IN2P3)
3/16/11, 9:50 AM
Main actions and facts since the last workshop. Evolution of the community.
Michel Jouvin
(LAL / IN2P3)
3/16/11, 2:00 PM
Changes in QWG templates since last workshop and planned new features
Ronald Starink
3/16/11, 2:20 PM
Ivan Fedorko
(Conseil Europeen Recherche Nucl. (CERN))
3/16/11, 2:35 PM
The LHC Era Monitoring (Lemon) system is addressing requirements for large scale infrastructure monitoring and is used in the CERN Computing Centre. Although Lemon is not directly integrated into Quattor, it is nonetheless a part of the Extremely Large Fabric management system (ELFms) tool suite and used by several Quattor community members.
We would like to share our experience, present...
3/16/11, 3:30 PM
Goal : agreement on how to use Pan annotations, which tags to use, which tools to compile and present them.
Jose Antonio Coarasa Perez
3/16/11, 4:30 PM
The CMS online cluster consists of more than 2500 computers, mostly under Scientific Linux CERN, running the 10000 applications instances responsible for the data acquisition and experiment control on a 24/7 basis.
The evolving nature of the acquisition applications requires an easy management and configuration infrastructure suitable for large scale installation and fast configuration...
Michel Jouvin
(LAL / IN2P3)
3/17/11, 9:00 AM
Jan Dudziec
3/17/11, 11:00 AM
Security Management
SINDES, Secure INformation DElivery System, is a tool that can be used together with Quattor to ensure enough level of privacy in storing and delivering confidential files. Written in 2005, SINDES is now being reviewed in view of enhancing and/or rewriting it.
We propose to describe short-term enhancements to the current system (access control, improved logging, clearing old certificates,...
Luis Fernando Munoz Mejias
3/17/11, 12:00 PM
Security Management
In this talk, we'll provide a small overview of how CERN deals and prevents with security vulnerabilities, and how Quattor is used in plenty of them.
Cal Loomis
3/17/11, 2:00 PM
Development Process and Build Tools
Current status of the maven-based build tools for Quattor.
Michel Jouvin
(LAL / IN2P3)
3/17/11, 2:30 PM
Discussion on community organization (eg. monthly meeting) and scrum development process started after last workshop (sprint interval, standup interval)...
Cal Loomis
3/18/11, 9:00 AM
Tutorial showing the StratusLab cloud developments as well as interactions with the Quattor toolkit.
Michel Jouvin
(LAL / IN2P3)
3/18/11, 10:00 AM
Discussion/Tutorial on what is required to prepare templates for new gLite updates in QWG to allow more sites to contribute to teh effort.
Cal Loomis
3/18/11, 11:15 AM
I think that a tutorial on the PAN language would be useful (we could record it for later usage for new comers). With main features and best practices and how to improve compilation performance.
Could Cal provide it ?
Luis Fernando Munoz Mejias
(Facultad de Ciencias - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid),
Michel Jouvin
(LAL / IN2P3)
3/18/11, 2:00 PM
I would propose to have another tutorial that presents all existing CORE components, what they do and examples of how to use them.
Also some guide lines about how to write new components ?
Luis Fernando Munoz Mejias
(Facultad de Ciencias - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
3/18/11, 2:45 PM
example of quattor settings such that the authorized_keys for root/users account stay and don't get removed (nor changed) after re-configuring ncm component.
Michel Jouvin
(LAL / IN2P3)
3/18/11, 3:15 PM
example of quattor settings for RAID disk configurations (e.g. RAID 1, 6,10,6E...)