16–18 Mar 2011
Europe/London timezone

SINDES development

17 Mar 2011, 11:00
513/1-024 (CERN)



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Security Management Security Management


Jan Dudziec (CERN)


SINDES, Secure INformation DElivery System, is a tool that can be used together with Quattor to ensure enough level of privacy in storing and delivering confidential files. Written in 2005, SINDES is now being reviewed in view of enhancing and/or rewriting it. We propose to describe short-term enhancements to the current system (access control, improved logging, clearing old certificates, publishing the CRL) with some functional details and explanation about how it changes the application. Apart from that, the requirements collected from the CERN users of SINDES will be presented (file modifications, history, machine upload, unattended installations, support for different OS) . Each request for enhancement will be followed by a possible list of solutions and will be discussed whether it is possible to implement in current SINDES. At the end, the proposal of the architecture of the new SINDES will be shown. Moreover, some implementation details will be proposed and prototype system will be presented. The presentation will be followed by a discussion/brainstorming session with the whole Quattor Community.


Current development on SINDES will be presented. The proposal of the architecture of the new SINDES and summary of CERN user's requests for enhancement will be also shown. The discussion foreseen at the end.

Primary author

Presentation materials