8–14 Oct 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Fees payment information

Information about conference fees:

Regular fees: 850 CHF

Late fees: 950 CHF

The registration fees cover:

- Attendance to the entire conference
- Lunches (from Monday 9 to Friday 13 Oct.)
- Coffee breaks
- Welcome cocktail on Sunday 8 October 2023
- Conference dinner at the Royal Plaza Hotel on Thursday 12th October 2023
- Excursions


Payment can be made by:

Bank transfer

The bank transfer is at the participant's charge.

The following reference has imperatively to be mentioned in the wire:
COOL23 or 64150

  Bank:UBS SA
Account number: 0240-FP100541.3

CH66 0024 0240 FP10 0541 3

  Beneficiary:UBS SA - GENEVE
  Account holder:CERN CONFERENCES

Credit card 

Please choose "credit card" when you fill in your registration form. If you wish to proceed with the e-payment later you can do it after having register at "Modify my registration" (in the main menu).
To be able to modify your registration you need a "CERN lightweight account".

Please mention COOL23 or 64150 + your name as reference payment.

The costs for payment with Visa and Mastercard are around 2.5% and around 3.7% with American Express. These costs will be added to the registration fees.

Invoice can be sent to the participant on request to Madeleine.Catin@cern.ch

Please note that NO CASH payment will be accepted on-site.

CERN participants

CERN participants should contact their group secretary regarding registration payment.

TID instructions:
Through your CERN budget code or team account using EDH. In the TID form the supplier is Gerard TRANQUILLE (SY-BI) and you are the client. The budget code to send the money is 64150, purchasing code 14070550. In the general description field, please mention COOL23 and your name. Thank you.

Cancellation of participation

No reimbursement of registration fees after 15th September 2023.
When reimbursing, bank transfer fees are at the cost of the beneficiary.