2–7 Jul 2023
Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF), Ascona (Ticino), Switzerland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Electric dipole moments in effective field theory

3 Jul 2023, 16:05
Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF), Ascona (Ticino), Switzerland

Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF), Ascona (Ticino), Switzerland

Monte Verità Strada Collina 84 CH-​6612 Ascona (Ticino)


Peter Stoffer


The baryon asymmetry of the universe points towards CP-violating sources beyond the Standard Model. If these consist of heavy new particles, their indirect low-energy effects can be described by effective field theories. I will describe theoretical challenges and recent progress within this framework for the extraction of bounds on CP violation, focusing on hadronic EDMs. In particular, I will discuss the connection to lattice-QCD as an input for non-perturbative matrix elements.


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