Cong Li
(The Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Star forming region(SFR) has long been suggested as the factory of galactic cosmic rays. It has attracted more interest with the progress from observation. An ultra-high energy photo with energy of 1.4PeV was detected from Cygnus region, which implies there might be a super accelerator in this region. The detection of UHE gamma ray emission (above 100TeV) is crucial to understand the properties of particle acceleration and propagation around clusters. LHAASO is a dual-purpose complex of particle detectors, which has the highest sensitivity at UHE energy range. In this talk, we will give a brief introduction about the observation of SFRs ( Cygnus Cocoon, W43 et al) with LHAASO.
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Cong Li
(The Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)