Flavor-dependent long-range leptonic force mediated by an ultralight and neutral gauge boson $Z'$ associated with $L_\mu -L_\tau$ symmetry constitutes a minimal extension of the Standard Model. Assuming $Z-Z'$ mixing, we study the physical consequences of such long-range force in the oscillation of atmospheric neutrinos. We show that the proposed atmospheric neutrino detector ICAL will be able to put tight constraints on such long-range force due to its capabilities of detecting neutrino and antineutrino separately with wide ranges of energies and baselines. The expected upper limit on the parameter related to coupling strength of this long-range force at $3\sigma$ is $2.82\times 10^{-51}$ using 500 kt$\cdot$yr exposure of ICAL. Also, we study the possible impact of this long-range force in the expected measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters and mass ordering at the ICAL.
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