Juan PA Maldonado
(Max Planck Institute for Physics, Germany)
MADMAX, the MAgnetized Disc and Mirror Axion eXperiment, is a novel dielectric haloscope concept to detect the axion in the mass range 40-400 ueV through enhancement of the inverse Primakoff process. The discovery of the axion could solve both the strong CP problem, fundamental in particle physics, and the dark matter problem. In this talk, I will review the MADMAX design concept and discuss the status of ongoing research into the enhancing system for the weak axion signal. I will also discuss the first physics results from a prototype system called CB100 (Closed Booster 100 mm), operated for 3 weeks in CERN's 1.6T MORPURGO magnet in Spring 2023.
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Juan PA Maldonado
(Max Planck Institute for Physics, Germany)