Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 1B
- Mayly Sanchez (Iowa State University)
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 1A
- Ruben Saakyan (University of London (GB))
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 2A
- Hiroyuki Sekiya
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 2B
- Ines Gil Botella (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecno)
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 3B
- Liangjian Wen
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 3A
- David Moore (Yale University)
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 4A
- Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern University)
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 4B
- Vasile Mihai Ghete (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 5B
- Ruben Saakyan (University of London (GB))
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 5A
- David Moore (Yale University)
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 6B
- Valentina De Romeri (IFIC CSIC/UV (Valencia, Spain))
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 6A
- Fedor Simkovic
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 7A
- Hiroyuki Sekiya
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 7B
- Irene Tamborra (Niels Bohr Institute)
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 8B
- Pavel Povinec (Comenius University)
Neutrino physics and astrophysics: parallel session 8A
- Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern University)
In July 2020, we loaded 0.011% of gadolinium in Super-Kamiokande (SK) to enhance the detection efficiency of neutron signals and restarted the observation as the “SK-Gd experiment”. Now we are aiming to observe the Supernova Relic Neutrinos (SRNs) for the first time all over the world in the SK-Gd experiment. One of the main backgrounds in the SRNs search is the atmospheric neutrino-oxygen...
The Double Chooz experiment has been at the forefront of accurately measuring the third neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{13}$. The experiment involves two identical liquid scintillator detectors at 400m and 1km baselines from the two N4 nuclear reactors in Chooz, France. To detect the neutrinos, the experiment uses the "total neutron capture" technique to measure the inverse beta decay (IBD)...
Precise knowledge of how neutrinos interact with matter is essential for measuring neutrino oscillations in long-baseline experiments. At T2K, the near detector complex measures neutrino interactions to constrain cross-section models for oscillation studies and to characterise the beam flux. The near detector complex provides a platform for performing neutrino-nucleon cross section...
The recent observation of CNO solar neutrinos by Borexino (BX) has proven the high potential offered by large underground ultrapure liquid scintillators to disclose weak neutrino and antineutrino fluxes. Supernovae explosions, gamma-ray bursts, solar flares and Gravitational Waves (GW) are among the possible extra-terrestrial sources of neutrinos and antineutrinos. The extreme radiopurity of...
The decays of radioactive isotopes, uranium, thorium and potassium, inside the Earth generate a significant amount of radiogenic heat and contribute to the Earth’s heat budget. The abundance of these elements is a key parameter to reveal the planet’s geophysical activities. Geoneutrinos originated from these isotopes are unique probe to the composition, and thus, the amount of the radiogenic...
Monitored neutrino beams represent a powerful and cost effective tool to suppress cross section related systematics for the full exploitation of data collected in long baseline oscillation projects like DUNE and Hyper-Kamiokande. In the last years the NP06/ENUBET project has demonstrated that the systematic uncertainties on the neutrino flux can be suppressed to 1% in an accelerator based...
The DsTau experiment at CERN-SPS has been proposed to measure an inclusive differential cross-section of a Ds production with a consecutive decay to tau lepton in p-A interactions. A precise measurement of the tau neutrino cross section would enable a search for new physics effects such as testing the Lepton Universality (LU) of Standard Model in neutrino interactions. The detector is...
Detecting geoneutrinos from potassium-40 decay in the Earth remains a challenge due to its decay endpoint being below the energy threshold of the inverse beta decay reaction on protons (used to detect U and Th geoneutrinos). Several nuclear targets for charged-current neutrino reactions do have lower threshold energies. Our study identified a particularly promising candidate, copper, and...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is the state-of-the-art liquid-scintillator-based neutrino physics experiment, which is under construction in South China. Thanks to the 20 ktons of ultra-pure liquid scintillator (LS), JUNO will be able to perform innovative and groundbreaking measurements like the determination of neutrino mass ordering (NMO). The experiment has been...
SND@LHC is a compact experiment proposed to exploit the high flux of energetic neutrinos of all flavours from the LHC in a hitherto unexplored pseudo-rapidity region of 7.2 < 𝜂 < 8.4, complementary to all the other experiments at the LHC. The experiment is located 480 m downstream of IP1 in the unused TI18 tunnel. The detector is composed of a hybrid system based on an 830 kg target mass of...
The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) is a Gadolinium-loaded water Cherenkov detector located in the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab. Its primary physics goals are to measure the final state neutron multiplicity of neutrino-nucleus interactions for future long-baseline experiments and cross-sections relevant to atmospheric neutrino backgrounds for diffuse Supernova...
Neutrino oscillation physics has now entered the precision era. In parallel with needing larger detectors to collect more data, future experiments further require a significant reduction of systematic uncertainties. In neutrino oscillation measurements at T2K, the systematic uncertainties related to neutrino interaction cross sections are currently dominant. To reduce this uncertainty, a...
FASER$\nu$ at the LHC is designed to directly detect collider neutrinos of all three flavors and provide new measurements of their cross-sections at energies higher than those seen from any previous artificial sources. We observed the first neutrino interaction candidates at the LHC in the 2018 pilot run data and then reported the firm observation of neutrino interactions in the 2022 data,...
Massive liquid argon TPCs developed for DUNE have significant potential in the physics of MeV neutrinos and offer unprecedented opportunities for the observation of solar neutrinos. The SoLAr collaboration has proposed an innovative readout system to enhance the physics reach of the DUNE Module of Opportunity, perform high-precision measurements of 8B neutrinos, and provide the first...
Borexino was a solar neutrino detector based on 280 tons of ultrapure liquid scintillator, located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy. Over fourteen years of data taking, Borexino completed the spectroscopy of solar neutrinos emitted from the pp chain reactions and measured the flux from the Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen (CNO) cycle. These spectroscopy analysis relied on a multivariate...
The European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam (ESSνSB) is a design study for a long-baseline neutrino experiment to measure the CP violation in the leptonic sector at the second neutrino oscillation maximum using a neutrino beam driven by the uniquely powerful ESS linear accelerator. The reduced impact of systematic errors on sensitivity at the second maximum allows for a very precise...
The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) will be one of three Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detectors positioned along the axis of the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab, as part of the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) Program. The detector is anticipated to begin operation later this year. SBND is characterized by superb imaging capabilities and will record over a...
CPT invariance is a key pillar in our description of nature. Neutrinos, as elementary particles, provide a unique opportunity to test this fundamental symmetry. In this talk, I will discuss how next-generation solar neutrino and medium-baseline reactor experiments will allow constraining (or proving) CPT violation with unprecedented confidence. Moreover, I will discuss how non-standard...
Neutrinos are Standard Model particles that lead us to many open questions. Very abundant but yet challenging to detect, they are a key towards physics beyond the Standard Model and they play a role in major questions about our Universe. In particular, the Dirac phase of CP symmetry violation ( $\delta_{CP}$) that parameterizes the asymmetry in flavor oscillation probabilities between neutrino...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), currently under construction in South China, will be the largest liquid scintillator (LS) experiment. While its primary goals are determining the neutrino mass ordering (NMO) and precision measurements of the oscillation parameters, it is a multi-purpose detector capable of detecting neutrinos from sources like the Sun, supernovae, the...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next generation, long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment which will utilize high-intensity $\nu_{\mu}$ and $\bar{\nu}_{\mu}$ with peak neutrino energies of ~2.5 GeV produced at Fermilab, over a 1285 km baseline, to carry out a detailed study of neutrino mixing. The unoscillated neutrino flux will be sampled with a near detector complex...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory, is a multipurpose neutrino experiment located at 53 km from the Yangjiang and Taishan nuclear power plants in south-east China. Its main purpose is determining the neutrino mass ordering using precision spectral measurement of the reactor neutrino signal. The detector is composed of a 20 kiloton spherical liquid scintillator (LS) volume seen by...
LiquidO is a class of particle detection technology utilising opaque media for its light detection. The technology exploits the stochastic confinement of light in such media, which allows to identify the types of individual charged and neutral particles through the topology of their energy depositions. This technology extends the traditional scintillation detector by a vertex resolution of...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose neutrino observatory under construction in China. It will host a 20 kt liquid scintillator detector underground with an overburden of 700 m to study the neutrinos from different neutrino sources. With an unprecedented energy resolution of 3% at 1 MeV, JUNO is designed mainly to detect the anti-neutrinos from the nuclear...
A new Quantum Field Theory (QFT) formalism for neutrino oscillations in a vacuum is proposed. The neutrino emission and detection are identified with the charged-current vertices of a single second-order Feynman diagram for the underlying process, enclosing neutrino propagation between these two points. The critical point of this approach is the definition of the space-time setup typical for...
This talk will cover recent R&D on Water-based Liquid Scintillator, including work on slowing down the timing to enhance scintillator/Cherenkov separation, and also preliminary work on isotope loading. In addition, I will present the status of the 30-ton WbLS prototype now under construction at Brookhaven and plans for future R&D.
CUPID-Mo was a demonstrator for CUPID, a next generation neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. It consisted of an array of 20 enriched Lithium Molybdate cryogenic calorimeters equipped with 20 Germanium light detectors for particle identification. As well as providing an important demonstration of the detector technology, CUPID-Mo has achieved a series of world leading physics results....
he MicroBooNE experiment employs an 85-ton active volume liquid argon time projection chamber to detect neutrinos from both the on-axis Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) and off-axis Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beam. The objective of this investigation is to identify short baseline neutrino oscillations in a 3+1 sterile neutrino model and compare our results to previous anomalies found in...
The ICARUS collaboration has employed the 760-ton T600 detector in a successful three-year physics run at the underground LNGS laboratory, performing a sensitive search for LSND-like anomalous $\nu_e$ appearance in the CNGS beam, contributing to the constraints on the allowed neutrino oscillation parameters to a narrow region around 1 eV$^2$. After a significant overhaul at CERN, the T600...
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for 0νββ decay that has successfully reached the one-tonne mass scale. The detector, located at the LNGS in Italy, consists of an array of 988 TeO$_2$ crystals arranged in a compact cylindrical structure of 19 towers. CUORE began its first physics data run in 2017 at a base temperature...
SNO+ is a large multi-purpose liquid scintillator based experiment, with the main physics goal of searching for the neutrinoless double-beta decay of $^{130}$Te. Additional physics topics include the measurement of solar neutrinos, antineutrinos from reactors and the Earth, supernova neutrinos and the search for other rare events.
Since April 2022, the experiment is taking data with liquid...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment designed to observe neutrino and antineutrino oscillation patterns to precisely measure neutrino mixing parameters. DUNE near detectors will measure and constrain the neutrino flux and constrain the response for a near-far detector oscillation measurement. The 2x2 Demonstrator is...
N$\nu$DEx (No neutrino Double-beta-decay Experiment) is a new Se-based TPC detector that will be placed in China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) looking for neutrinoless double beta decay. NvDEx-100, the experiment phase with 100 kg of SeF6 gas, is currently being built and planned to be completed with installation at CJPL around the year 2025. I will present the current status of the...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) far detectors require readout of several hundred thousand charge-sensing channels immersed in the largest liquid argon time projection chambers ever built, calling for cryogenic front-end electronics in order to be able to adequately instrument the full detector. These electronics must satisfy power constraints of < 50 mW per channel to minimize...
ZICOS is a future experiment for neutrinoless double beta decay using $^{96}$Zr nuclei. In order to achieve sensitivity over $10^{27}$ years, ZICOS will use tons of $^{96}$Zr, and need to remove $^{208}$Tl backgrounds as observed by KamLAND-Zen one order of magnitude. For this purpose, we have developed new technique to distinguish the signal and background using topology of Cherenkov light....
The SBND experiment is a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC), which serves as the near detector to the Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program at Fermilab. With only 110 m between the detector volume and the beam target, SBND will record over a million of neutrino interactions per year, more than any LAr experiment to date. Furthermore, the detector is located on the surface and...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector currently under construction in Southern China. Beyond its main purpose of determining the neutrino mass ordering, JUNO will contribute to the search for the SUSY-favored proton decay into a kaon and an antineutrino. To reach the estimated sensitivity for p $\rightarrow$ K$^+$+ $\bar{\nu}$ of $9.6...
The ability to detect liquid argon (LAr) scintillation light from within a densely-packed high-purity germanium detector array allowed the GERDA experiment to reach an exceptionally low background rate in the search for neutrinoless double-beta decay of $^{76}$Ge. Proper modeling of light propagation throughout the experimental setup, from any origin in the LAr volume to its eventual detection...
The observation of coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering (CEvNS) has opened the window to many physics opportunities. In this talk I will discuss the implication of the observation of CEvNS by the COHERENT Collaboration using two different targets, CsI and argon, on new physics scenarios. These include, for instance, new light mediators.
The absolute mass of neutrinos is one of the most important riddles yet to be solved, since it has many implications in Particle Physics and Cosmology. HOLMES is an ERC project started in 2014 that will tackle this topic. It will perform a model independent calorimetric measurement of the neutrino mass with a sensitivity of the order of 1 eV using 1000 low temperature microcalorimeters...
The LEGEND Collaboration pursues an experimental program to search for the neutrinoless double-beta $(0\nu\beta\beta)$ decay of $^{76}Ge$ with discovery potential at half-lives beyond $T_{1/2} (0\nu\beta\beta) = 10^{28}$ yr. The first phase, LEGEND-200 has started operations at LNGS with 140 kg of HPGe detectors and plans to install additional detectors in the near future. With an exposure of...
The NUCLEUS experiment aims to detect and characterize coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering (CEvNS) in an ultra-low background environment using a 10 g cryogenic detector made of CaWO4 and Al2O3 crystals. The experiment will be installed between the two 4.25 GW reactor cores of the Chooz-B nuclear power plant in the French Ardennes, with commissioning scheduled for 2023 at the...
Low-threshold detectors for coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) and light dark matter (DM) searches rely crucially on understanding their response to sub-keV nuclear recoils, which is difficult to access using conventional calibration techniques. The CRAB collaboration proposed a new method based on mono-energetic nuclear recoils in the 100 eV - 1 keV range induced by the...
The LEGEND Collaboration pursues an experimental program to search for the neutrinoless double-beta $(0\nu\beta\beta)$ decay of $^{76}Ge$ with discovery potential at half-lives beyond $T_{1/2} (0\nu\beta\beta) = 10^{28}$ yr. The first phase, LEGEND-200 has started operations at LNGS with 140 kg of HPGe detectors and plans to install additional detectors in the near future. With an exposure of...
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is a tonne scale detector searching for neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) in $^{130}$Te. The CUORE detector is made of 988 TeO$_{2}$ crystals operated at around 15 mK in the Gran Sasso National Laboratories (Italy).
Being the $0\nu\beta\beta$ a very rare process, every single background component has to be precisely...
The CONUS experiment aimed to detect coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS) of reactor antineutrinos on germanium nuclei in the fully coherent regime. It operated from 2017 to 2022 at 17m from the 3.9 GWth core of the Brokdorf nuclear power plant (Germany). The CEνNS search was performed with four 1 kg point-contact high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors, which provided a sub keV...
The main stage of AMoRE, AMoRE-II, is about to start its data taking. The experiment takes place 1000 meters underground at Yemilab in Jeongseon, Korea. A cryogenic system containing molybdenum-100 enriched crystal detector modules is surrounded by heavy passive shields and muon counters made of plastic scintillator panels and water Cherenkov detectors. We expect the background level to be...
The Coherent Neutrino-Nucleus Interaction Experiment (CONNIE) is located at a distance of 30 m from the core of the Angra 2 nuclear reactor in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Its goal is to detect the coherent elastic scattering of reactor antineutrinos, known as CEvNS, off silicon nuclei using fully depleted high-resistivity charge-coupled devices (CCDs). Running since 2016, the experiment has set...
The low-energy coherent neutrino nucleus elastic scattering ($\nu A_{\rm{el}}$) is being studied in a number of experimental programs around the world. As part of TEXONO's neutrino research program at Kuo-Sheng nuclear power plant, state-of-art high purity point-contact Germanium detectors with $\mathcal{O}$(100 eV) threshold are utilized to study such low-energy neutrino interactions at the...
Imaging sensors made from an ionization target layer of amorphous selenium (aSe) coupled to a silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) active pixel array for charge readout are a promising technology for neutrino physics. The high spatial resolution in a solid-state target provides unparalleled rejection of backgrounds from natural radioactivity in the search for neutrinoless...
Project 8 is a next-generation experiment aiming to directly measure the neutrino mass using the tritium endpoint method with a targeted sensitivity of 40 meV. Having established a new measuring technique, Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES), the next development phase will demonstrate CRES on a large source volume, culminating in a pilot-scale CRES experiment with atomic tritium....
Taking advantage of recent NaI crystal detector development, we established stable data-taking of the NEON experiment with a 16.7 kg crystal array at 23.7 meters away from the reactor core of the Hanbit nuclear power plant (2.8-GWth) in April 2022. NEON aims at detecting a coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering process for reactor antineutrinos.
Using preliminary analyses of approximately 150...
The observation of neutral-current coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) at the COHERENT experiment has opened a new window to search for new physics beyond the Standard model. In this talk we will focus on the sensitivity of current CEvNS data to neutrino electromagnetic properties, such as the neutrino charge radius or the neutrino magnetic moment. The discovery potential of...
Currently-running and planned neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu$-DBD) experiments aim to reach an experimental sensitivity in terms of half-life at the order of 10$^{27}$–10$^{28}$ yr to probe the inverted neutrino hierarchy using a short list of isotopes – $^{76}$Ge, $^{100}$Mo, $^{130}$Te and $^{136}$Xe. However, $^{96}$Zr is also a promising nuclide due to its high energy transition...
The KATRIN experiment is designed to measure the mass of the electron anti-neutrino by studying the high energy end of the tritium β decay spectrum. In addition, KATRIN is also a well suited instrument to explore the sterile neutrino hypothesis. The existence of sterile neutrinos would cause a kink-like distortion in the spectrum.
Using the same datasets as for active neutrino mass, KATRIN...
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is a neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) experiment consisting of ~30 kg of germanium detectors enriched to 88% in $^{76}$Ge and ~14 kg of natural germanium detectors. The detectors are divided between two cryostats and surrounded by a graded passive shield. The DEMONSTRATOR concluded in March 2021 and set a 0νββ half-life limit of $T_{1/2} > 8.3 \times 10^{25}$ yrs...
PROSPECT is a reactor antineutrino experiment consisting of a 4-ton liquid scintillator antineutrino detector divided into an 11x14 array of optically separated segments. The detector was designed to probe the existence of sterile neutrino oscillations and precisely measure the antineutrino spectrum resulting from 235U fission. Data was taken in 2018 and 2019 with a first-generation detector...
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR concluded its search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in 2021. The experiment operated an array of up to 40.4 kg of germanium detectors, 29.7 kg of which were isotopically enriched in $^{76}$Ge. Thanks to its ultra-low backgrounds, excellent energy resolution, and background rejection capabilites, the DEMONSTRATOR was able to execute a broad program of searches for...
Neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ) is a key process to address some of the major outstanding issues in particle physics, such as the lepton number conservation and the Majorana nature of the neutrino. Several efforts have taken place in the last decades in order to reach higher and higher sensitivity on its half-life. The next-generation of experiments aims at covering the Inverted-Ordering...
The SoLid neutrino experiment is a short baseline neutrino experiment installed at 6.2 m from the BR2 reactor, at the SCK-CEN laboratory in Mol, Belgium. The detector consists of 12,800 dual-scintillator cubes (PVT and LiF:ZnS) read out by 3,200 SiPMs. The system is installed inside an ISO-container and shielded against external backgrounds by water and polyethylene slabs. The experiment has...
Next-generation neutrinoless double-beta decay searches seek the Majorana nature of neutrinos and the existence of a lepton number violating process. The LEGEND-1000 experiment represents the ton-scale phase of the LEGEND program's search for neutrinoless double-beta decay of $^{76}$Ge, following the current intermediate-stage LEGEND-200 experiment at LNGS in Italy. The LEGEND-1000 design is...
We developed a simple small-scale experiment to measure the beta decay spectrum of $^{3}$H. This research aims to investigate the presence of sterile neutrinos in the keV region. Tritium nuclei were embedded in a 1$\times$1$\times$1 cm$^3$ LiF crystal from the $^6$Li(n,$\alpha$)$^3$H reaction. The energy of the beta electrons absorbed in the LiF crystal was measured with a magnetic...
Searches for neutrinoless double-beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) offer unique sensitivity to physics beyond the Standard Model and could have implications for key fundamental questions like the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. Large xenon-based detectors are a leading technology in this field. Among the next generation of $0\nu\beta\beta$ detectors, nEXO takes full...
The reactor and gallium anomalies of the electron (anti)neutrino disappearance at short baselines have attracted intensive attentions and interests, but have to be resolved yet. In this presentation, I will discuss the status of the reactor and gallium anomalies, both in the framework of 3+1 neutrino oscillation scheme and their possible nuclear-physics interpretations. Future prospect for...
There have been significant gains in characterizing neutrino properties in recent years, however the absolute neutrino mass scale continues to be elusive.
The Project 8 collaboration seeks to probe this quantity directly via kinematic analysis of tritium beta decay, using the cyclotron radiation emission spectroscopy (CRES) technique. In order to make neutrino mass measurements with a design...
From the discovery of the neutrino to the measurement of $\theta_{13}$, the last unknown neutrino mixing angle, nuclear reactors have proved to be a fundamental tool to study these particles, of which much remains to be unveiled. Measurements involving reactor antineutrinos rely on the prediction of their energy spectrum, a non-trivial exercise involving ad-hoc methods and carefully selected...
The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment (KATRIN) is searching for the signature of the neutrino mass in the endpoint region of the tritium beta-decay spectrum. KATRIN combines a high-intensity gaseous molecular tritium source with a high-resolution spectroscopy using electrostatic filter with magnetic adiabatic collimation. This technique allowed KATRIN to reach with the first 5% of the data...
The $4.8\sigma$ low-energy excess (LEE) of electron-like events observed by MiniBooNE is one of the longest-standing anomalies in particle physics. As the MiniBooNE reconstruction relied on the identification of Cherenkov rings, the excess could come from extra electrons or photons in the detector. This talk covers new developments regarding each hypothesis. The MicroBooNE experiment has...
Recently, there has been an increased interest in studying the
manifestations of the wave packet (WP) nature of neutrinos in neutrino
oscillations experiments. In particular, a number of papers the
possibilities of probing quantum decoherence due to separation of
neutrino WPs and the corresponding damping of neutrino oscillations in
reactor and neutrino source experiments were discussed....
The goal of the Project 8 experiment is to measure the absolute neutrino mass using tritium beta decay and Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES) with a design sensitivity to the neutrino mass of 40 meV. CRES is a method for performing precision electron spectroscopy that was first demonstrated by Project 8. In the work presented here, we performed the first measurement of the...
We present an analysis of neutrinoless double beta decay (DBD) mediated by non-interfering exchange of light and heavy neutrinos, in the context of current calculations of nuclear matrix elements (NME) in different nuclear models.
We derive joint upper bounds on the light and heavy contributions to the Majorana effective mass through an updated combination of the latest data from the...
The NEXT experiment aims at the sensitive search of the neutrinoless double beta decay ($\beta\beta0\nu$) in $^{136}$Xe, using high-pressure gas electroluminescent time projection chambers. The NEXT-White detector, a radiopure demonstrator operated in the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc (LSC), has been used to implement the first searches with this technology. The analysis considers the...
After the first observation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE$\nu$NS), the question arises how to further exploit this signal for a wide variety of future investigations. In this context, nuclear reactors with their intense emission of low-energy antineutrinos in combination with high-purity germanium detectors have already shown their potential for CE$\nu$NS studies and...
SuperNEMO is searching for the hypothesised lepton-number-violating process, neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ). Extending NEMO-3’s world-leading design, our isotope-agnostic tracker-calorimeter architecture has the unique ability to track trajectories and energies of individual particles. This is a vital background-rejection tool, and enables detailed studies of the Standard Model...
AMoRE is an international experimental project to search for the neutrinoless double beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay of $^{100}$Mo utilizing enriched molybdate scintillating crystals and metallic magnetic calorimeters in a mK-scale cryogenic system. The project aims for zero background in the region of interest near 3.034 MeV, the Q-value of $^{100}$Mo $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay, by simultaneously...
The process of Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS), first observed in 2017 by the COHERENT collaboration, has provided a powerful tool to study new physics scenarios within the neutrino sector. In this talk, we focus on the Non-Standard Interactions (NSI) formalism, and we present the current bounds on NSI flavor changing and non-universal parameters using CEvNS. Our analysis...
BINGO is a project dedicated to explore new methods for background reduction in experiments searching for $0\nu2\beta$ decay. It is based on bolometers, one of the most promising techniques to search for $0\nu2\beta$.
BINGO technology aims at reducing the background index down to $10^{-5}$~counts/(keV kg yr) in the region of interest, thus boosting the sensitivity on the effective Majorana...
Newly-developed Skipper-CCDs are a promising technology to detect neutrinos scattering with Silicon nuclei by exploiting the CEvNS channel. Their ultra-low read-out noise allows for an unprecedented sensitivity to interactions with energy transfers in the eV region. We report results from the first Skipper-CCD sensor installed inside the containment building of the Atucha-II nuclear power...
Low background germanium detectors with excellent energy resolution are advantageous to search for $^{76}$Ge neutrinoless double beta decay process. We proposed an experimental program, CDEX-300$\nu$, using $^{76}$Ge enriched broad energy germanium detectors at China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL). In this talk, I will focus on the preconceptual design and plan of the CDEX-300$\nu$. The...
The recent detection of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS) creates the possibility to use neutrinos to explore physics beyond standard model, with small-size detectors. However, the CEνNS process generates signals at the few keV level, requiring very sensitive detector technologies. The European Spallation Source (ESS) has been identified as an optimal source of low energy...
A solid observation of neutrino-less double beta decay (0νDBD) relies on the possibility of operating high-energy resolution detectors with detailed background control. Scintillating cryogenic calorimeters are one of the most promising tools to fulfill the requirements for a next-generation experiment. CUPID-0 has been the first demonstrator of the proposed CUPID experiment based on this...
Considering that, low-energy nuclear recoils induced by elastic neutrino nuclear coherent scattering with nuclei in pure materials have become an important, active area in particle physics, we present a detailed model to compute silicon ionization efficiency (quenching factor) based on Lindhrad's integral equation, explaining the details considered to match recent low-energy published data....
Since 2020, Super-Kamiokande (SK) detector has been updated by loading gadolinium (Gd) as a new experimental phase, “SK-Gd”. In the SK-Gd experiment, we can search low-energy electron antineutrinos via inverse-beta decay with efficient neutron identification thanks to high cross-section and high-energy gamma-ray emission of thermal neutron capture on Gd. Until July 2022, the observation is...
KM3NeT is a multi-purpose neutrino observatory being installed in a phased scheme in the Mediterranean Sea. It is composed of two Cherenkov detectors instrumenting water with photomultipliers in different layouts: ORCA, a compact and dense detector optimised on the measurement of fundamental atmospheric neutrino physics, such as mass ordering and oscillations, in the 1-100 GeV energy range,...
The Super-Kamiokande (SK) is one of the largest water Cherenkov detectors and has a sensitivity for $\mathcal{O}(1~\mathrm{MeV})$-$\mathcal{O}(100~\mathrm{GeV})$ neutrinos. For the observation of anti-electron-neutrinos of diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB), we have upgraded the SK with Gd to improve the distinction performance between electron- or anti-electron-neutrinos. The latter...
The KM3NeT/ORCA is a next-generation water Cherenkov neutrino telescope currently under construction in the Mediterranean Sea. By studying the oscillations of the atmospheric neutrino flux passing through the Earth, thanks to the detector geometry and its unprecedented statistics, KM3NeT/ORCA's primary physics goal is an early measurement of the neutrino mass ordering as well as the direct...
The Super-Kamiokande (SK) experiment is a neutrino observatory located in Japan. After the loading of gadolinium sulfate octahydrate to water in its detector, the SK experiment entered a new phase, known as SK-Gd.This new phase is characterized by the significant improvement in the experiment's sensitivity to low-energy electron anti-neutrinos, thus providing more reliable data for the study...
Neutrino Non-Standard Interactions (NSIs) are proposed as extensions of the Standard Model (SM) to accommodate mechanisms for the origin of neutrino masses. The NSIs are incorporated through effective four-fermion interactions which lead to both charged-current (CC) and neutral-current (NC) interactions. The NC NSIs affect the coherent forward scattering of neutrinos on fermions in matter,...
Baikal-GVD is recently the largest neutrino telescope operating in Northern Hemisphere. The detector consists of independent operational subarrays called clusters. The data collection is allowed by the design of the experiment while being in a construction phase. This contribution reviews the design and the basic characteristics of the Baikal-GVD. Some preliminary results on diffuse neutrino...
When a massive star dies and, its core collapses, most of its gravitational binding energy is released as neutrinos. These neutrinos are messengers that can provide information on the supernova’s dynamics and properties of neutrinos. However, core-collapses are rare in our galaxy. The Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background (DSNB) provides an alternative opportunity to detect these supernova...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline experiment exploiting the liquid argon TPC technology. DUNE will have sensitivity to low energy physics searches, such as the detection of supernova and solar neutrinos. DUNE will consist of four modules of 70-kton liquid argon mass in total, placed 1.5 km underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility...
The discovery of a bright background of astrophysical neutrinos of unknown origin by IceCube has provided a first, tantalizing glimpse of the extreme universe outside of the electromagnetic spectrum. Ten years after its discovery, however, the production mechanism and these neutrinos remain almost entirely unknown, necessitating a new generation of instruments. This talk will describe the...
SNO+ is a large, optical neutrino detector with a broad research program. The primary goal of SNO+ is to search for neutrinoless double beta decay using tellurium-loaded liquid scintillator. The experiment first took data while the detector was filled with the water but is now completely filled and collecting data with liquid scintillator. In this talk I will discuss the physics results from...
Core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) are known to be among the most energetic processes in our Universe and are vital for the understanding of the formation and chemical composition of the Universe. The precise measurement of the neutrino light curve from CCSNe is crucial to study the hydrodynamics and fundamental processes that drive CCSNe. The IceCube Neutrino Observatory has model-independent...
Astrophysical neutrinos play an important role in modern multi-messenger astrophysics. They can be used to learn about the properties of their astrophysical origin but also to study and probe particle physics beyond the Standard Model not accessible in ground based laboratories, especially due to their high energy.
In this talk we consider a new light scalar field which mediates...
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a Cherenkov detector instrumenting over a cubic kilometer of Antarctic ice. The main IceCube array can detect high-energy neutrino emissions from astrophysical sources, while the denser-configured subdetector (DeepCore) can observe down to GeV-scale neutrinos, which improves the sensitivity to measure the disappearance of atmospheric muon neutrinos. For...
We calculate a new generation of Standard Solar Models (B22-SSMs) that implement state-of-the-art constitutive physics and updated sets of solar surface abundances, like e.g. those presented by Amarsi & Grevesse 2021 (AAG21) and by Magg, Bergemann et al. 2022 (MB22).
We compare the new SSMs predictions with helioseismic data and solar neutrino results and we also discuss the implications of...
The ICARUS detectors have proven the effectiveness of LArTPC technology with a successful three-year long run at INFN-LNGS, establishing the power of a liquid argon detector on a neutrino beam. Currently, ICARUS-T600 is collecting data at Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam in the SBN program. A light detection system, based on PMTs deployed behind the TPC wire chambers, is in place to detect...
The IceCube Upgrade is an extension of the IceCube neutrino telescope aiming to better detect atmospheric neutrinos down to a few GeV. It will consist of 7 additional strings instrumented with more than 100 newly developed optical modules each. More than 600 of these additional optical sensors will be embedded in almost 3 Mt of the most transparent ice. The denser module spacing in combination...
After a brief introduction to neutrino electromagnetic properties, I will focus on the correlation between neutrino magnetic moment and neutrino mass mechanism. Then I will discuss that the models that induce large neutrino magnetic moments while maintaining their small masses naturally also predict observable shifts in the charged lepton anomalous magnetic moment by showing that the...
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is uniquely sensitive to the MeV neutrinos emitted during a core-collapse supernova, with potential applications beyond supernovae. This talk will describe an analysis stream that can be used to respond to external alerts, such as those originating from the Ligo-Virgo-Kagra detector for gravitational waves. Additionally, we will demonstrate the versatility of...
The flavor composition of high-energy neutrinos carries important information about their birth. However, the two most common production scenarios, $pp$ and $p\gamma$ collisions, lead to the same flavor ratio when neutrinos and antineutrinos are indistinguishable. The Glashow resonant interaction $\bar{\nu}_e+e^- \rightarrow W^-$ becomes a window to differentiate the antineutrino contribution...
We developed a new analysis method for supernova model identification using supernova neutrino observations in Super-Kamiokande (SK). Our new method uses some information on late-phase neutrinos observed in SK, such as the duration time of neutrino observation and averaged neutrino energy. In this presentation, we report the evaluation results of the supernova model identification performance.
Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNLs) are sterile neutrinos posited as an explanation for light neutrino masses. IceCube is uniquely capable of searching for an HNL in the hundreds of MeV to single GeV range by looking for atmospheric tau neutrinos upscattering to HNLs in the detector. The HNLs produced in IceCube would decay quickly, leading to Cherenkov radiation in both production and decay...
We propose to detect solar neutrinos using the reaction $\nu_e + {}^{40}\text{Ar} \rightarrow {}^{40}\text{K}^* + e^{-} $
in the DEAP-3600 dark matter direct detection experiment at SNOLAB. This process has not been observed before. The 3.3 tonne active mass, high light yield, and ultra-low backgrounds in DEAP-3600 make it a promising tool for observing such rare processes.
Neutrinos with...