Keping Xie
(University of Pittsburgh)
The Drell-Yan lepton pair productions have been measured to an unprecedented precision level at the LHC. In companion, the theoretical calculations should reach the same level. However, a visible discrepancy among different next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) calculations has been discovered by both the CTEQ-TEA group and also by S. Alekhin~\emph{et al.} In this study, we carefully examine the difference among different NNLO codes, and also compare with the $q_T$ resummatiom calculation. We explore the impacts of different calculations on the proton PDFs through the CTEQ-TEA global analysis, based on the latest Drell-Yan data from ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb groups.
Submitted on behalf of a Collaboration? | Yes |
Participate in poster competition? | No |
Keping Xie
(University of Pittsburgh)
Alim Ablat
(XinJiang University)
C.-P. Yuan
(Michigan State University)
Ibrahim Sitiwaldi
(Xinjiang University)
Sayipjamal Dulat
(XinJiang University)