Proceedings will be published using the SLAC eCONF service. All speakers should provide a writeup for the proceedings. Speakers should prepare their proceedings and submit them to arXiv themselves. Please specify DIS2023 in the comment field so that the eCONF service can find your document. The experimental speakers are kindly requested to follow the rules set by their collaborations.
The following page limits are recommended but will not be enforced:
Plenary talks: 8 pages
Parallel talks: 5 pages
Please aim to stay within this range.
The deadline for submission of your proceedings contribution was 15 July 2023. Submissions for eConf can no longer be accepted, but you can still add them as a link to your talk on indico.
Formatting: You can use your own latex package, and we ask that you include the following sentence in the first page: Presented at DIS2023: XXX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, Michigan State University, USA, 27-31 March 2023. A simple latex template for the cover page is also available here.
Once all contributions have been submitted, we will use the eCONF service to collect the documents on a public web page.