Measuring the spatial gluons distribution in nuclei with EPIC at the EIC

30 Mar 2023, 12:10
Centennial Room ABC (MSU Kellogg Center)

Centennial Room ABC

MSU Kellogg Center

Parallel talk WG2: Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons WG2


Zhoudunming Tu


One of the golden measurements at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is to measure the coherent diffractive Vector Meson (VM) production on a heavy-nucleus target. The measurement is expected to be sensitive to the non-linear gluon dynamics - saturation, and most importantly, it also provides the gluon density distribution of the nucleus. While the measurement was proposed in the EIC White Paper 10 years ago, it is not until recently that the experimental challenges of this measurement were realized. In this talk, I will give an overview on the experimental developments from the EIC detector proposals on this measurement, particularly with the lessons learned. I will discuss the key challenges and future opportunities for development, e.g., incoherent production background, energy resolution of EMCal, etc. Based on a new single-stack software package in EPIC, full simulation results with the most up-to-date detector configuration will be presented.

Submitted on behalf of a Collaboration? Yes
Participate in poster competition? No


Presentation materials