Impacts on the pion PDFs using the Sullivan process in future facilities

30 Mar 2023, 12:10
106 (MSU Kellogg center)


MSU Kellogg center

Parallel talk WG6: Future Experiments WG6


Patrick Barry


A renewed attention has spawned in recent years to the pion parton distribution functions (PDFs). In 2018, the JAM collaboration included not only the pion-induced Drell-Yan data from Fermilab’s E615 experiment but additionally the leading neutron electroproduction data from HERA for the first time in a global QCD analysis. Unfortunately, further useful experimental data have been scarce. With the upcoming tagged deep inelastic scattering (TDIS) experiment at JLab, which is a fixed-target complement to the leading neutron experiment, and the electron ion collider (EIC), we have an opportunity to further study pion structure. I will discuss to what extent the pion PDFs can be constrained with these experiments, with a special focus on the resonance region of the pion.

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Participate in poster competition? No


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