Low-x and forward physics

27 Mar 2023, 11:30
Big Ten A (MSU Kellogg Center)

Big Ten A

MSU Kellogg Center

Plenary talk Plenary sessions Plenaries


Adrian Dumitru


"Particle production in the projectile hemisphere (forward region)
introduces a kinematic asymmetry where the light-cone momenta of
projectile partons are much greater than those of the partons in the
target. The natural description of such processes is in terms of
eikonal propagation of very energetic projectile partons through a
strong color field. This approach permits the resummation of the
Glauber-Mueller multiple scattering series in terms of
eikonal phases, i.e. path ordered Wilson lines.

I provide an overview of some elements of the theory and its
application to the phenomenology of particle production and
correlations in the forward region of p+p and p+A collisions, as
well as DIS, with a focus on small-x physics, strong color fields,
and saturation."

Presentation materials