3–7 Sept 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone
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The workshop will cover all aspects of electronics for particle physics experiments, and accelerator instrumentation of general interest to users.

It is continuing and expanding the scope of the former workshop on electronics for LHC and future experiments (LECC), LHC experiments will remain a focus of the meeting but a strong emphasis on R&D for future experimentation will be maintained, such as SLHC, CLIC, ILC, neutrino facilities as well as other particle and astroparticle physics experiments.

The purposes of the workshop are :

- to present results and original concepts for electronic research and development relevant to experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities

- to review the status of electronics for the LHC experiments

- to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics

- to promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities.

For access to the Prague website, please follow the link http://www.particle.cz/conferences/twepp07/homepage.aspx
Czech Republic

The conference programme will include invited plenary talks and parallel sessions for contributed papers, complemented by poster presentations. Several sessions of the conference will be dedicated to topical issues where impromptu contributions from participants are encouraged.

An optional tutorial on robust ASIC designs for hostile environments will take place on the afternoon of the last workshop day, Friday 7 Sep from 13h30 to 17h00.

The deadline for paper submission is passed. Authors whose papers have been accepted are invited to upload them by clicking on their contribution in the indico programme page. Instructions for paper redaction can be found at: http://www.particle.cz/conferences/twepp07/abstracts.aspx

The deadline for paper uploads is: 7 Sep 2007

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