3–7 Sept 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Development of a Front-End Electronics for Pico-second Resolution TOF Detectors

6 Sept 2007, 16:45
1h 15m


Czech Republic


Fukun Tang (Enrico Fermi Institute - University of Chicago)


We have proposed using 2" by 2" micro-channel plates (MCP-PMTs) with a novel equal-time anode and with capacitive return path coupling to measure the time-of-flight of relativistic particles, with the goal of being able to construct large-area TOF detectors with a resolution of 1 psec. The proposed front-end customer chip is a time stretcher with 1ps resolution, building with IBM 0.13um SiGe BiCMOS process. the preliminary designs and simulations for the front-end ASIC chip will be presented in this paper.


The proposed readout electronics for each MCP-PMT unit
consists of 4 identical front-end ASICs and one DAQ ASIC that
digitizes the front-end outputs, distributes the system clock, and
handles all digital traffic. The front-end ASIC chip is a `time
stretcher', converting the difference in times between start and stop
pulses into a digital pulse with width proportional to the input time
interval but stretched by a factor of 200. We are designing in the IBM
0.13um SiGe BiCMOS 8HP process, The circuitry includes a limiting
amplifier and a constant-fraction discriminator. The DAQ chip then
digitizes the stretched time interval. The preliminary design and
detailed simulations of the front-end ASIC chip will be presented.


Fukun Tang (Enrico Fermi Institute - University of Chicago)


Gary Drake (Argonne National Lab) Harold Sanders (Enrico Fermi Institute - University of Chicago) Henry Frisch (Enrico Fermi Institute - University of Chicago) Karen Byrum (Argonne National Lab) Mary Heintz (Enrico Fermi Institute - University of Chicago)

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