Marian Krivda
(University of Birmingham, UK)
04/09/2007, 16:20
The ALICE trigger system (TRG) consists of a Central Trigger Processor (CTP)
and up to 24 Local Trigger Units (LTU) for each subdetector. CTP receives and
processes trigger signals from trigger detectors and output from CTP are 3
levels of hardware triggers L0, L1 and L2. 24 trigger detectors are dynamically
partitioned into up to 6 independent clusters. The trigger information is...
Giulio Avoni
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
04/09/2007, 16:45
This report describes the Selection Crate, designed by INFN for the L0 calorimeter
trigger of the LHCb experiment.
The Selection Crate is a modular system which consists in 8 Selection Boards (SB)
used to select the most energetic clusters detected by the electromagnetic and hadron
calorimeters, as well to evaluate other global trigger variables.
A SB is equipped with 28 x 1.6 Gbps...
Dave Newbold
(University of Bristol / Rutherford Laboratory)
04/09/2007, 17:10
We present a first architectural study of a first-level hardware track trigger for CMS at SLHC. The design of a hardware track trigger at 10^35cm-2s-1 is challenging. A primary constraint on implementation will be power consumption within the detector, in turn driven by the data transmission bandwidth to off-detector electronics. We therefore emphasise the minimisation of the data flow through...