Peter Murray
05/09/2007, 14:15
The Linear Collider Flavour Identification Collaboration is developing sensors
and readout electronics suitable for the International Linear Collider vertex
detector. In order to achieve high data rates the proposed detector utilises
column parallel CCDs, each read out by a custom designed ASIC. The prototype
chip (CPR2) has 250 channels of electronics, each with a preamplifier, 5-bit...
(Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire)
05/09/2007, 14:40
MAROC is the readout chip designed for the ATLAS luminometer made of Roman
pots. This ASIC has been realised in SiGe 0.35µm technology and is an
evolution of the OPERA_ROC ASIC developed and installed on the OPERA
experiment to auto-trigger and readout 64 channels Hamamatsu multi anode
Its main features are a 100% trigger rate for signal greater than 1/3
photoelectron, a...
Christophe de LA TAILLE
05/09/2007, 15:05
HARDROC is a complete readout chip in SiGe 0.35µm of the RPCs or GEMs
foreseen for a Digital HAdronic CALorimeter (DHCAL) at the ILC. The ASIC
integrates 64 channels of
• fast low impedance preamplifier with 6bits variable gain (tunable
between 0 and 4)
• variable shaper (50-150ns) and Track and Hold to provide a
multiplexed analog charge output up to 10pC.
• variable gain fast...
Jean-Francois Genat
05/09/2007, 15:30
A CMOS 130nm evaluation chip intended to read Silicon strip detectors at the
ILC has been designed and successfully tested. Optimized for a detector
capacitance of 10 pF, it includes four channels of charge integration, pulse
shaping, a 16 deep-analog sampler triggered on input analogue sums, and
parallel analog to digital conversion. Tests results of the full chain are reported,...