5–9 Jun 2023
Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington
Europe/London timezone

FCC-ee Arc Half-Cell Mock-up Project: Dynamic stability analysis

8 Jun 2023, 17:23
Santosa Suite

Santosa Suite

Poster (one author must be in person) Accelerators posters Poster session and Wine & cheese


Ms Audrey Piccini (Junior Fellow) Federico Carra (CERN) Lucie Baudin (CERN)


A dedicated study is being undertaken at CERN, together with the FCC Feasibility Study collaborators, to propose a robust configuration for the FCC-ee arc half-cell considering all integration aspects of the elements. This study includes engineering analyses performed to design the supporting system of the booster and of the collider. The proposed layout must meet requirements in terms of stiffness, static alignment and dynamic stability. It must also take into consideration pre-alignment, handling and installation operations, as well as remote re-adjustment and maintenance. Finally, given the very large scale of the facility, a robust and cost-effective design must be proposed that is suitable for large-scale industrialization. This document presents the methodology related to the dynamic stability analysis implemented to help in the design of the supporting system of the collider short straight section.


Ms Audrey Piccini (Junior Fellow) Federico Carra (CERN) Lucie Baudin (CERN)

Presentation materials