October 29, 2023 to November 3, 2023
Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

General participation is by invitation. In addition, limited admission is possible through the submission of an abstract as poster or oral presentation plus a brainstorming idea. To apply for participation, please submit an abstract through the system below.

Please choose your contribution type: oral presentation or poster in the Young Scientist Forum. Abstracts for oral presentations may be converted to posters due to a limited number of available slots.

In addition, please provide a brainstorming idea (title + abstract). Both the presentation/poster abstract and the brainstorming idea will be used to select applicants!

Priority will be given to young scientists, however we welcome abstracts from the whole community, regardless of seniority!

Brainstorming idea

The brainstorming idea doesn't need to be fully formed but should be the seed for discussion at the workshop!

  • Can you think of a new ML solution to an existing HEP/Astro/Cosmo problem?
  • Are there existing ML methods which could be combined in a new way?
  • Is there an area in HEP/Astro/Cosmo where we aren't currently applying ML, but where new ML approaches could help?
The call for abstracts is closed.