29 October 2023 to 3 November 2023
Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Accommodation & travel


Registered participants are requested to arrange their own accommodation for the duration of the workshop.

There is limited availability for accommodation at the conference venue, however there are various hotels in the area within a 15 minute walk.

Suggested hotel in the area

Hotel La Perla, Ascona - https://laperla.ch/en/ 

Address of the venue

Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF)

Monte Verità
Strada Collina 84
CH-​6612 Ascona


Travelling to Locarno

You can fly to the following cities or reach them by train within Europe:

Train connections to Locarno on the SBB website.

From Locarno to Monte Verità

1. Free shuttle bus

A shuttle bus (9-​seater) to Monte Verità will be available for 4 to 5 hours on arrival day of the CSF event. The shuttle's schedule should be published on the website of the corresponding event. Please contact the organizer to find out more about any other organized transportation options.

The shuttle bus stops next to the end of platform 4 (close to where public transport is leaving). Look for the white bus with the Monte Verità logo (pictures on the right).

2. Public bus

Take bus no. 1 from Locarno railway station to the bus stop "Ascona Centro" (duration: 15 - 20 minutes). Then take the bus no. 5 "Buxi" at the bus stop Autosilo Ascona line 1 (duration: 8 minutes) to Monte Verità. The bus stop is at the other side of the Coop. Please refer to he corresponding timetables of the lines no. 1 and line no. 5.

Please note that the timetables of bus line no. 1 are different for Monday - Saturday (Lunedì - Sabato e feriali) and for Sundays and holidays (Domenica e festivi). The bus line no. 5 runs irregularly and cash payment is mandatory. From the bus stop "Ascona Autosilo" you can also reach Monte Verità in 25 - 30 minutes on foot (follow the "Strada Collina") or by taxi located next to the Autosilo Ascona.

3. Taxi

Various taxis are available at Locarno railway station. The company "EcoTaxsi" usually has a slightly lower price, reservation required: +41 91 792 21 01 or 0800 321 321 (free call from Swiss numbers) or via Skype. The ride takes about 15 minutes and costs about CHF 30.00.