The massive and growing global port trade demands efficient procedures and technologies to inspect in an automated way containers and vehicles where goods and materials are carried. The MUON CARGO project [1], co-financed by Puertos del Estado [2] (public business entity under the Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda), has been launched with the aim of complementing the already existing technologies in the field, adding new features, such as the detection through shielding, and the possibility of performing completely non-invasive and innocuous measurements. In this application case, the main threads are the presence of nuclear material, guns, and drugs, but even hidden people could be inside the cargoes. The project consist in the development of AI and scattering muography algorithms able to detect the aforementioned targets, on the basis of previous work [3], and also in the construction, commissioning and testing of a detection prototype of 9 m² made with multi-wire proportional chambers (MWPC). In this talk, in addition to the description of the progress of the project, preliminary simulation results will be shared. Through MUON CARGO, it is expected to obtain a significant improvement in the operation of container and vehicle inspection systems, helping the ports to perform this task in a more efficient and advanced manner.
[1] https://muon.systems/en/muoncargo
[2] https://www.puertos.es/es-es
[3] P. Martinez, A. Orio, C. Díez, and P. Garcıa, “Applications of Muography to the Industrial Sector”, Journal of Advanced Instrumentation in Science, vol. 2022, Apr. 2022.