19–22 Jun 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Hidden chamber discovery in the underground Hellenistic necropolis of Neapolis by muography

20 Jun 2023, 14:40


Centro Congressi Federico II Via Partenope, 36, 80121 Napoli NA
Oral presentation Geoscience and Archaeology


Valeri Tioukov (Universita e INFN sezione di Napoli (IT))


We report muography of an archaeological site located in the highly populated “Sanità” district in the center of Naples, ten meters below the current street level. Several detectors capable of detecting muons were installed underground at the depth of 18 m, to measure the muon flux over several weeks. By measuring the differential flux with our detectors in a wide angular range, we have produced a radiographic image of the upper layers. Despite the architectural complexity of the site, we have clearly observed the known structures as well as a few unknown ones. One of the observed new structures is compatible with the existence of a hidden, currently inaccessible, burial chamber.


Valeri Tioukov (Universita e INFN sezione di Napoli (IT))


Akira Nishio Andrey Alexandrov (Universita e INFN sezione di Napoli (IT)) Antonio Iuliano (Universita e INFN sezione di Napoli (IT)) Dr Carlo Leggieri Dr Federico Capriuoli Giovanni De Lellis (Universita e INFN sezione di Napoli (IT)) Kunihiro Morishima (Nagoya University) Nobuko Kitagawa Valerio Gentile Yuta Manabe (Nagoya University (JP))

Presentation materials