SMARTHEP kick-off at the University of Manchester
Jocelyn Bell Burnell theater (ground floor) and Niels Bohr Common Room (6th floor) (University of Manchester, Schuster Building)
Jocelyn Bell Burnell theater (ground floor) and Niels Bohr Common Room (6th floor)
University of Manchester, Schuster Building
See logistics and accommodation for details
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We are happy to welcome the SMARTHEP Early Stage Researchers (ESR), their supervisors, our partners and collaborators to the kick-off event taking place at the Coordinating institute, the University of Manchester.
The goal of this kick-off event is to get to know each other, and plan the activities for the coming year. The first two days of the meeting will be dedicated to ESRs and supervisors with a round table and a Network Assembly. The rest of the week will include a visit to the Jodrell Bank site, and transferrable skills training for the ESRs.
Logistics information can be found on the left-hand side of the menu, and for further information feel free to contact the SMARTHEP Coordinator and the Project Manager.
Contact the Coordinator (C. Doglioni) and Project Manager (J. Masterson)