11th meeting on HEMAC discussions





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Heiko Damerau
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    • 16:45 16:55
      Update on transverse shunt impedance of TESLA/ILC cavities 10m
      Speaker: Alexej Grudiev (CERN)
    • 16:55 17:05
      Prepration for muon collider collaboration meeting 10m

      Upcoming questions for the talks (e.g. RCS parameters)

      Speakers: Alexej Grudiev (CERN), Dr Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu), Christian Carli (CERN), Dr David Amorim (CERN), Elias Metral (CERN), Dr Fabian Batsch (CERN), Fulvio Boattini (CERN), Heiko Damerau (CERN), Ivan Karpov (CERN), Kyriacos Skoufaris (CERN), Luca Bottura (CERN)
    • 17:05 17:20
      Discussion 15m

      Few open points for follow-up:
      - Optimize losses in RCS chain for best overall performance, allowing different transmission in the two or three machines
      - Acceptable longitudinal emittance growth in the RCS chain and how to quantify it exactly?
      - Would two RCS be sufficient to accelerate from 60 GeV to 1.5 TeV?
      - Cost functions per machine part: could one make an assumption for a cost per unit length of RF (plus some infrastructure cost offset per RF section), idem for unit length of magnets?
      - Average gradient of RF sections: 30 MV/m
      - Resistive wall impedance?
      - Is transition gamma of ~20 a good number for the first RCS stage?
      - FFA alternative for RCS?

    • 17:20 17:30
      Round table 10m
      Speakers: Alexej Grudiev (CERN), Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu), David Amorim (CERN), Elias Metral (CERN), Fabian Batsch (CERN), Heiko Damerau (CERN), Ivan Karpov (CERN)