Kagoshima Workshop on Particles, Fields and Strings 2023

from Sunday 19 February 2023 (15:00) to Wednesday 22 February 2023 (12:30)
Sunplaza Tenmonkan, Kagoshima

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
19 Feb 2023
20 Feb 2023
21 Feb 2023
22 Feb 2023
09:00 Sterile neutrinos and non-standard interactions of neutrinos - Osamu Yasuda (Tokyo Metropolitan U.)   ()
09:45 Leptogenesis in gauged U(1)_{L_mu-L_tau} model - Shintaro Eijima (ICRR, Tokyo U.)   ()
10:30 --- break ---
11:00 Modular symmetry in the string EFT - Hajime Otsuka (Kyushu U.)   ()
11:45 Flux compactification and the hierarchy problem - Nobuhito Maru (NITEP/Osaka Metropolitan U.)   ()
09:00 Tensions in cosmology and its implications for new physics - Tomo Takahashi (Saga U.)   ()
09:45 Early cosmology with ultra-relativistic bubble wall expansion - Wen Yin (Tohoku U.)   ()
10:30 --- break ---
11:00 Probing axions with the measurements of photon's birefringence - Ippei Obata (IPMU, Tokyo U.)   ()
11:45 原始揺らぎの量子性は観測できるか? - Sugumi Kanno (Kyushu U.)   ()
09:00 What can we learn from the direction of dark matter? - Keiko Nagao (Okayama U. of Science)   ()
09:45 Lepton flavor violation and DM constraints in a radiative seesaw model - Osamu Seto (Hokkaido U.)   ()
10:30 --- break ---
11:00 Link soliton in model with U(1)_{B-L} and U(1)_{PQ} symmetries - Yu Hamada (KEK)   ()
11:45 The origin of pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Dark Matter - Koji Tsumura (Kyushu U.)   ()
15:00 Search for lepton flavor violation from dark sector - Takashi Shimomura (Miyazaki U. & Kyushu U.)   ()
15:45 ミューオニウム-反ミューオニウム転換で探るレプトンフレーバー混合 - Yuichi Uesaka (Kyushu Sangyo U.)   ()
16:30 --- break ---
16:45 レプトン数の時間発展とマヨラナタイプ位相 - Yusuke Shimizu (Hiroshima U.)   ()
17:30 鹿児島情報 - Soma Onoda (Kyushu U.)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
14:00 素粒子実験における弱測定の応用について: B中間子を用いたCP非保存測定を例に - Yosuke Takubo (KEK)   ()
14:45 Gradient flow exact renormalization group - Hiroshi Suzuki (Kyushu U.)   ()
15:30 --- break ---
16:00 Machine Learning Exploration of Quark and Lepton Flavor Structures - Satsuki Nishimura (Kyushu U.)   ()
16:20 フレーバー構造で探る暗黒物質 - Coh Miyao (Kyushu U.)   ()
16:40 Fractional topological charge in lattice Abelian gauge theory - Motokazu Abe (Kyushu U.)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Free Discussion   ()