Minutes ITS 3
Rene presentation
2080 W/M2 is for all comp LD foam without a hole.
This is should be compared with the value on the table, something is similar.
The flow starts from the blue tube and come out from the side , to check the PD over the foam.
Slide 2 : the mandrel. How do you align this? The idea is using a tissue or perforated piece of foil on the mandrel, so the chip can slide, very easily on the mandrel , once the chip is in, you can easily slide up and down. then you switch the vacuum and you have the camera. No problem of breaking the chip because there is this material on the bottom.
-carbon fiber support concept: in all your models you use 2 additional rings in the center. Is it possible to remove it ? better on the simulation to know it or to be tested.
-slide 4: 2 additional rings are not computed in the weight. only the longerons. The longeron that rene has, are not matching with our layout. Is L2.we don’t have it anymore. Real longeron is narrow. And also, the holes, there are no the holes of the latest prototype. In order to make a final assessment for material budget, can we take Peter of everything ? some parts are already glued and the heaters, and one set of longerons. for the rest we can do that. The set of longerons glued are all identical so we can make some assumption.
Concave: What is the impression in term of the shape with sensors? Measure the cylindricity? No measurement on the radius, on dimensional stability, no glue spots or dense in the structure. We can do the measurement at CERN in case. An outer carbon shell is anyway needed. On the TDR still the carbon foam, but present the back up options like this frame layout.
First slide: how they are made the rings? Mold with profile with magnets in it, second mold for the carbon strips, bought from ducth company standards, glued together with microscope. Have you tested the rigidity of the half rings? Currently only test did it small sample of FF4 that stiffer than silicon. All the measurement to be done.
Presentation Gael:
To check if Armaflex is releasing particles.
Wind tunnel: all the pieces are available. Starting to put the foam. we are bending silicon with Kapton heaters on top with the one produced by Rui and Antoine has to do the connection one by one. To contact him. Bend layer 2, first to the cyss and then Antoine does the connection/soldering. 24 sensors for each layer. Slide 1: to make holes in the cyss to put sensors?
We can still switch on the pump, the acquisition system for the thermal couple problem with the power supply, only a channel that didn’t work. The sensors work all. Only missing the D-sub. Friday 21sy October should be ready the barrel and then ready with the set up. The pump will work both options, flushing or sucking.
2 layers 2 that Rui did are all together, measured. For the foam, we have another set of foam, for 2 half barrels. No critical items missing, only temperature sensors.
The heaters are with 5 micron copper and 70 microns , with 3 layers of Kapton.150 microns ( total thickness). Far away from the 50 micron of silicon.
Bigger connector d-sub compared to the previous BBM. bigger 37 d sub because the DAQ system is allowing 37.
Holes of the carbon foam: to try to test with holes closed? We can do the different options. Based on the results we obtain from the test, we can try then to close the holes.
Akos presentation:
No measure the thermal conductivity at Cern from Aitor, but same as you, but big difference among the samples.
Our results are between 15-35, and difference from density.
No measured specific heat of the foam at CERN. In simulation just average value, for the specific heat. No plan for the moment but we can do it
To heck with Antonio/diego the results from Atlas on the samples that we’ve given them.