Welcome to the Inverted CERN School of Computing 2023! We are happy to welcome you to join us in person again! This short guide describes how this school will be organised, and how you can make the most of your attendance.
The timetable (week view) is available at Inverted CERN School of Computing 2023 (6-9 March 2023) · Indico. The time used is Geneva local time (CEST). We will be starting each class on time as far as possible, we encourage attendees to arrive a few minutes in advance.
Lectures are the main component of the school. They are marked in yellow in the timetable (week view). Participants in the school can pick and choose which one to attend, if not all!
Hands-on exercises
Rolling up your sleeves and trying things yourself is a great way to learn and practice what you have heard during the lectures. For that purpose, some classes include hands-on exercises.
The instructions and materials for these hands-on exercises will be presented at the end of the corresponding lecture and attached to the timetable. Please note that these hands-on exercises will take place in room 513-1-024.
All exercise materials are openly accessible. However, some exercises require CERN computing infrastructure to run on - and consequently the possibility to run them is unfortunately limited to people who already have a CERN computing account.
In order to prepare for exercise sessions please make sure following prerequisites are met (please note: some actions need to be taken 24 hours in advance and many require multiple steps in order to activate accounts):
Exercise: Cloud & Containers: Everything you need to know
- CERN account subscribed to LXPLUS service - please check at resource portal -> List Services
- Subscription to 'subordinate-users' group - please check at: e-groups portal -> Members (documentation).
- this subscription needs to be performed at least 24 hours before the exercise day
Exercise: Authentication and Authorization for the WLCG
- Creation of Glitch account: Create Glitch account
- Creation of IRIS IAM account: Apply for an account
- use eduGAIN or Local account, enter 'iCSC exercises' in Notes field
Exercise: Multiplatform programming with python
- CERN account subscribed to LXPLUS service - please check at resource portal -> List Services
- Activated CERNbox account, please visit CERNBox
- Access to CERN SWAN service, please visit SWAN
- after login please verify that a CUDA software stack can be selected for your session.
Exercise: A simple introduction to accelerated computing
- CERN account subscribed to LXPLUS service - please check at resource portal -> List Services
Exercise: MLOps - Going from Good to Great
- pre-installation of software on your laptop, please see instructions.
Exercise: Quantum Computing
- Account creation at IBM Quantum Lab: Sign In to IBM Quantum
- Account creation at Xanadu Cloud: Sign In to Xanadu Cloud
Link to Zoom videoconference for school Lectures will be accessible in 'Videoconference' menu on this page - only to registered users. Exercise sessions will not be available on Zoom.
Coffee and lunch breaks
Coffee will be served in the little room adjacent to the IT Auditorium. We kindly ask you not to bring in your coffee mug into the IT Auditorium.
Lunch is at each participants own cost and can easily be bought in R2 which is just across the street.