20–26 Aug 2023
Natural Science Lecture Center (building-28), Seoul National University, Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Sterile Neutrino Search at MicroBooNE using both the BNB and NuMI Beams

22 Aug 2023, 14:24
Natural Science Lecture Center (building-28), Seoul National University, Korea

Natural Science Lecture Center (building-28), Seoul National University, Korea

Natural Science Lecture Center Seoul National University Building-28, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Korea
Oral WG5: Neutrinos Beyond PMNS parallel (room#302)


Meghna Bhattacharya (Fermilab)


The MicroBooNE experiment employs an 85-ton active volume liquid argon time projection chamber to detect neutrinos from both the on-axis Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) and off-axis Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beam. This work investigates short baseline neutrino oscillations in a 3+1 sterile neutrino model and compares our results to previous anomalies found in experiments such as LSND, Neutrino-4, and gallium anomalies. To achieve our goal, we utilize high-performance charged current electron neutrino and muon neutrino selections. In this presentation, we will detail our initial results on this sterile neutrino search from MicroBooNE using the BNB beam. Additionally, we will examine the impact of a degeneracy resulting from the cancellation of $\nu_e$ appearance and disappearance, and demonstrate that combining data from the BNB and NuMI beams, which have substantially different $\nu_e/\nu_\mu$ ratios, can break this degeneracy.

Primary author

Presentation materials