The Women Committee (WCiKPS) in Korean Physical Society has been established in April 2002, just after the 1st IUPAP international conference on Women in Physics held in Paris, in March 2002 aiming for spreading women’s science culture to increase employment and promotion of women physicists and to improve research and work environments women friendly. The number of female physicists in KPS was 238 (9.3%) in 2002, and has been increasing steadily, now reaching 922 (15.5%) in 2020.
The WCiKPS has carried out various activities for achieving its goals: the Female Graduate Student Awards for fostering female workforce, Physics Camps for high school girls and Site Visits for college students to guide young students, Special Sessions in KPS meetings, National/International Workshops for WIP to expand basic competencies in science and technology through the exchange of physics information and knowledge on networking, career development, and leadership training of female physicists, and Surveys to improve the status of female physicists and advocating for their rights / Proposing the Government policies for female physicists. These activities are explained in detail in the following sections.