Jul 19 – 21, 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please refer to Travel Information for transport details to the workshop

This 2 day workshop is for European researchers working on Perovskite Radiation Detectors. The workshop will be held from the evening of Wednesday 19 July to the afternoon of Friday 21 July 

The aim of the workshop is to provide an informal meeting for European researchers working on Perovskite Radiation Detectors and to give an opportunity to exchange research ideas and develop future proposals in this fast-developing topic. We encourage attendance from both senior and junior researchers, and all attendees are encouraged to present their work either as an oral or poster presentation.

The workshop is located in the University of Bologna conference centre 'Centro Residenziale Universitario di Bertinoro' which is in the medieval village of Bertinoro, approximately 80km from Bologna. 

Attendance at this workshop is for members of invited research groups only. Please contact the workshop organisers if you require more information about attendance. 

All attendees are encouraged to present their work at the workshop, either as an oral or poster presentation. 

Attendees should register for this workship using the 'Registration' link. Registered participants are requested to pay the workshop fee no later than 30th June.


Centro Residenziale Universitario Di Bertinoro, Italy
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The P-RAD Workshop URL is https://indico.cern.ch/e/P-RAD