19–21 Jul 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please refer to Travel Information for transport details to the workshop

High Sensitivity Polycrystalline CsPbBr3 Wafer X-ray Detectors

20 Jul 2023, 14:50
Oral Presentation default track Session 3


Joydip Ghosh (University of Surrey)


Here we have fabricated and characterised CsPbBr3 wafers for direct X-ray detection. Gram-scale CsPbBr3 powder was synthesized by milling of CsBr and PbBr2 precursors in a planetary ball mill. 0.4 g of CsPbBr3 power was pressed into a pellet of 10 mm diameter by a hot-pressing method at 70º C. We have characterized the morphology and structural properties of the polycrystalline CsPbBr3 wafer by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. The optimised pellets show highly compact and uniform morphology, which results in superior carrier transport and higher X-ray sensitivity. 80 nm of Au electrodes were deposited on both sides of the pellet by vacuum thermal evaporation. We have studied the X-ray response of the Au/ CsPbBr3 pellet/Au X-ray detector under different X-ray irradiation dose rates and applied bias voltages. The device exhibits an X-ray sensitivity of 151 μC Gyair-1cm-2 under an applied bias of 20 V.

Primary authors

Joydip Ghosh (University of Surrey) Mrs Saeedah Alanazi (University of Surrey) Mrs Suad Alghamdi (University of Surrey) Dr Carol Crean (University of Surrey) Prof. Paul Sellin (University of Surrey)

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