Dimension-8 EFT interpretation for the EWK production of ZZjj in the four-lepton channel

5 Apr 2023, 18:00
Room next to the main auditorium (Conference Centre “Karolos Papoulias”)

Room next to the main auditorium

Conference Centre “Karolos Papoulias”


Alexandros Marantis (Hellenic Open University (GR))


Vector Boson Scattering (VBS) processes provide a great source of information on the structure of the Quartic Gauge Boson Couplings (QGCs). The Standard Model allows self interactions of the charged vector gauge bosons, although vertices with neutral-only bosons are forbidden. We use Monte Carlo samples containing VBS events with two Z-bosons in association with two jets, and we present preliminary studies for the setting of constraints on anomalous quartic couplings. In these studies we investigate typical observables and we present the expected limits on Asimov Data for the dimension-8 Wilson Coefficients in Eboli Model.


Alexandros Marantis (Hellenic Open University (GR))

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