29 May 2023 to 1 June 2023
Santiago de Compostela
Europe/Madrid timezone

Gradient Magnetometry with Atomic Ensembles

30 May 2023, 18:00
Aula Magna

Aula Magna

Facultad de Matemáticas, USC


Iagoba Apellaniz


We calculate precision bounds for estimating the gradient of the magnetic field based on the quantum Fisher information for various types of ensembles, such as for example, a single atomic ensemble with an arbitrary density profile, where the atoms cannot be addressed individually and which is a very relevant case for experiments.

We present a method to find spin states for gradient magnetometry with two spatially separated atomic ensembles based on states for sensing a global phase shift, such as the GHZ state or the Dicke state.

[1] I. Apellaniz et al., Phys. Rev. A, 97 053603 (2018)

[2] G. Vitagliano et al., arXiv:2104.05663 (2021)



Dr Iñigo Urizar-Lanz Zoltán Zimborás Dr Philipp Hyllus (Universidad del País Vasco) Prof. Géza Tóth (Universidad del País Vasco)

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