16–20 Oct 2023
Kingscliff, NSW, Australia
Australia/Sydney timezone

Laser-Cooling Cadmium with only Triplet Excitations and Cadmium Isotope Shift Measurements

17 Oct 2023, 15:00
Kingscliff, NSW, Australia

Kingscliff, NSW, Australia

Mantra on Salt Beach Kingscliff, Tweed Coast Gunnamatta Avenue, Kingscliff NSW
Invited Oral Precision Tests on Fundamental Physics Precision Measurements and Fundamental Physics II


Kurt Gibble (The Pennsylvania State University)


Cadmium is attractive for optical lattice clocks and for searches for Dark Matter and beyond-Standard-Model physics via isotope shift measurements. The cadmium clock transition has a small sensitivity to blackbody radiation and it has 8 stable isotopes, 6 spin 0 bosonic isotopes, and 2 spin ½ fermionic isotopes. Without using 229 nm light to drive the singlet transition, we capture thermal Cd atoms directly into a 326 nm narrow-line MOT. We then increase the loading rate by capturing atoms using the 361 nm $^{3}\textrm{P}_{2}\rightarrow\,^{3}\textrm{D}_{3}$ transition. We measure the isotope shifts of the 326 nm intercombination transition, and the 480 nm $^{3}\textrm{P}_{1}\rightarrow\,^{3}\textrm{S}_{1}$ and $^{3}\textrm{P}_{2}\rightarrow\,^{3}\textrm{D}_{3}$ transitions. These clarify a discrepancy of the nuclear charge radius and suggest that cadmium isotope shifts can sensitively test beyond standard model physics.

Primary author

Kurt Gibble (The Pennsylvania State University)

Presentation materials