Aug 7 – 11, 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Amplitudes 2023 will take place at CERN from the 7th to the 11th of August 2023. This is the 15th edition in a series of annual meetings that bring together a community of researchers interested in both formal and practical aspects of scattering amplitudes. The topics discussed cover a wide range from pure mathematics to collider physics and gravitational waves. 

The 2023 Amplitudes Summer School will take place the week prior to the conference, July 31-August 4, 2023.

Confirmed Speakers:

Luis Fernando Alday, Babis Anastasiou, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Michael Borinsky, Ruth Britto, David Broadhurst, Francis Brown, Fabrizio Caola, Zeno Capatti, Clifford Cheung, Tim Cohen, Lance Dixon, James Drummond, Lorenz Eberhardt, Henriette Elvang, Giulio Gambuti, Einan Gardi, Hofie Hannesdottir, Martijn Hidding, Giulia Isabella, Calllum Jones, Karol Kampf, Shota Komatsu, Gregory Korchemsky, Chia-Kai Kuo, Christoph Nega, Donal O'Connell, João Penedones, Tiziano Peraro, Jan Plefka, Andrea Puhm, Grant Remmen, Michael Ruf, Anna-Laura Sattelberger, Marko Simonovic, Anne Spiering, Jaroslav Trnka, Gabriele Veneziano, Cristian Vergu, Anastasia Volovich

Scientific Advisory Committee:

Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS Princeton), Zvi Bern (UCLA), Ruth Britto (TCD), Fabrizio Caola (Oxford), Clifford Cheung (Caltech), Lance Dixon (SLAC), Claude Duhr (Bonn U.), Henriette Elvang (Michigan U.), Livia Ferro (Hertfordshire), Song He (CAS Beijing and Hangzhou), David Kosower (IPhT, Saclay), Lorenzo Magnea (Torino U.), Lionel Mason (Oxford), Bernhard Mistlberger (SLAC), Jaroslav Trnka (UCDavis), Anastasia Volovich (Brown U.), Alexander Zhiboedov (CERN)

Local Organizers:

Samuel Abreu, Andrew McLeod, Ben Page, Lorenzo Tancredi


Future Amplitudes Conferences:

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, June 10-14 2024 (followed by a PhD school June 17-21)

Proposals for holding future editions of the Amplitudes conference can be sent to the Amplitudes Planning Committee at

Past Amplitudes Conferences:

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
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