Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Submit Poster abstract

Posters presenters are encouraged to submit an abstract here on a wide range of top-quark related topics this year (theory, phenomenology, machine learning, detector instrumentation). Poster abstracts can still be submitted, there is still space for more posters. Please use the following google form for the submission: Poster submission form.

Caveat: Presenters who intend to show content of ATLAS/CMS/LHCb/ALICE or other experimental collaboration need to go through their usual internal procedure and are not required/expected to submit a form here in addition.

We expect that posters will be a standard size of 40x30 inches (about 100 cm by 75 cm), vertical or horizontal layout. Smaller posters will be ok, a few larger posters can also be accommodated.
In case of questions, please contact the co-chairs of the local organizing committee: Reinhard Schwienhorst ( and Andy Jung (