19–21 Jun 2023
Europe/London timezone

SmeftFR v3 - a tool for creating and handling vertices in SMEFT to the 1/Λ^4 order

21 Jun 2023, 12:10



Michal Ryczkowski


SmeftFR v3 [2302.01353, https://www.fuw.edu.pl/smeft/] enables derivation of Feynman rules for interaction vertices from the dimension-5, dimension-6 and (so far) all bosonic dimension-8 SMEFT operators which can be further easily used in numerical or symbolic calculations e.g. in Madgraph or FeynArts. There are many changes in comparison to the previous version of the code and its scope of utility can be very broad. In my talk I will discuss general principles of how the program works and describe in a greater detail some of its most important new features, such as choosing among and using one of the predetermined input schemes (including one for CKM matrix). I will then present practical examples of the usage of SmeftFR v3 on some specific processes in which 1/Λ^4 corrections may play a significant role.

PhD Student yes


Presentation materials